Leave it to a newby!!!

The Saints

Senior Member
Apr 22, 2009
Santa Cruz, CA
Ok, I guess this just shows my ________________ (fill in the blank. I was thinking excitement, pride, something like that).
Does anybody name their rigs, trucks, campers? The "little lady" and I were sitting around the other day dreaming about where and when to go on our first camping trip. Most likely up on Nacimiento fergussion rd or at the Morro Strand in Morro Bay. Then we thought about what we were going to call our new improved rig. I noticed DirtyDog got stuck with and may name his "Donner Party". Then we came up with the perfect name. Since we are getting a Bobcat, we are naming it....Robert.
The second goofy question is, while sleeping which way do you lay in your camper, head towards the front of the truck or towards the inside of the camper, or left to right-right to left?
Just a bit of non-consiquential fun BS-ing.
....while sleeping which way do you lay in your camper, head towards the front of the truck or towards the inside of the camper, or left to right-right to left?

Head uphill... whichever way that is.

But if uphill means sleeping with your head over the interior, and you're a squirmy sleeper, be prepared for your pillow to fall off the bed at 3am. Pretty much guaranteed...

Always glad to help out a n00b. Welcome to the forum - ;)

I agree a name is fun. I haven't settled on mine yet but some names that have flown out are "Black Turtle" and my ecominded buddy jokes with me about my "planet killer" which I evolved to "Death Star"... anyways something good will stick eventually.

As for sleeping, I need to try out the new bed in action but with it having three positions (full, queen, king) we have the option of sleeping side to side in all of them and front to back in the king mode. Previously when we just had to full we've slept with our head to the passenger side of the truck but if there was a significant hill that would have been swapped.
People name their boats and cars, why not their traveling homes? We used "seldom seen" (top left stencil near the porch light).

We sleep heads West (i.e. driver's side). Our bed is nearly square 80"x80". This mimics our home arraignment. We've tried heads North, but it just wasn't right... Heads East put the CO2 sensor's green LED at an annoying angle for sleeping. Heads South and the pillows fall off!
I never really gave the landscape a thought. We were planning on sleeping with our heads to the front and at least my feet dangling into the camper space. I guess I just have to wait and see.
The bamboozling is going good. I think I can order the camper on May 8. whoo hoo
I call my camper the ninja.I sleep when I am tired,just about anywhere.
good luck camping with robert and your wife.hahahha
Saints (OK...Mrs. Saints)

I can only urge you to go ahead and order your unit. I hesitated (too long) last summer as I mistakenly thought I'd luck into a used unit. By the time it arrived it was AUGUST and the rest of the summer went WAYYYY to quickly. (not that it's all that long anyway here in CO...but I digress)

As far as sleeping arrangements...we're thinking about extending the bed to a king...at least lengthwise....then we can sleep front to back with our pillows droppping of the cliff/into the chasm as kcwyo described. Side-to-side is OK...but climbing over each other @ night and the slight claustrophobia factor for the person crammed against the front wall makes the longer bed very attractive.

Go for it. Drop that coin in the slot and start the dance!

Saints (OK...Mrs. Saints)
As far as sleeping arrangements...we're thinking about extending the bed to a king...at least lengthwise....then we can sleep front to back with our pillows droppping of the cliff/into the chasm as kcwyo described. Side-to-side is OK...but climbing over each other @ night and the slight claustrophobia factor for the person crammed against the front wall makes the longer bed very attractive.

That was my thought, the little lady has slept inboard previously but I wouldn't like it. Also even through I can fit in the camper sideways I'll like having more that a few inches clearance at my head and feet. I was thinking sleeping with heads towards the camper would be nicer, time will tell (perhaps some leashes on the pillows to yank them back up w/o getting out of bed...).
I think 99% of the time we have our head towards the front of the truck. When parking, I always try to park it nose up, with the back door being out away from downwind of the campfire. I keep two 2x8x15 boards handy. Often I will drive the front tires (or one side, or one tire up on two boards) to make the front higher, depending on slope of the terrain. It has worked well so far.:thumb: You'll get the hang of it soon enough.
Heads up, like kcowyo

Which ever direction puts my head above my feet. After that...

Provided it's a flat and level parking space, I sleep with my head closest to the overhead light so that I can read in bed. Because I prefer the top bunk, this means that my head points to the right (passenger side) of the truck while my body lies across the width of the camper.

For a name, I use "truck" to facilitate communicating with my dogs - as in, "Getn truck" (a 2 syllable phrase which means I want them the get in the truck/camper/car, etc. via which ever door happens to be open.
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