Levelling camper/truck at camp

I too use rocks but I always put them back when on BLM land. Heaven knows I wouldn't want all those cows that are crapping all over the landscape to trip on an errant rock or a rancher thats getting a free ride on the public to fall off is horse and hurt himself.

Cheeky! I fully understand your frustration and completely agree with you. Being the very underfunded 'green' arm of the BLM few things would make me happier than to see ranchers pay a fair market value to run cows on our public lands. I'd be even happier to see the oil and gas floks have their permit fees triple so they actually thought twice about where they stuck their rigs.
But, being just a Park Ranger I am controlled my the folks in Washington and fight the good fight on my days off.

Hijack off.
My comments were not directed at you. I don't believe in shooting the messenger. One needs only to go up to Bishop Creek or out of Escalante up to Hole In The Rock, as well as other wild places, to see the damage done by cattle and sheep ranching on public land but be sure to bring your shovel and rake!!!

The BLM allows grazing on over 160 million acres of public land. That's about 60% of the total acreage administered by BLM. The charge per animal per month in 2008 and this year is only $1.35 per animal per month. The lease and permit holders are the same rugged individualists that are opposed to any type of hand out to anyone else. If that isn't welfare I don't know what is. And that doesn't even begin to address the "collateral damage". The wolf population (threat to domestic livestock) is frightfully low and the deer population is through the roof bringing with it deer ticks and on and on and on.

End Of Rant
These of course are the same rugged individualists that are opposed to any type of hand out to anyone else.

The irony of that kills me. Locally we have a trail system on BLM land that is also used by ranchers. Mountain bikers spend a lot of time out there maintaining the trail and in general keeping the place nice. Ranchers cut down trees, leave them lying across the trails, and leave garbage out there while doing it. Not impressed.
I've used rocks and a few times, split peices of firewood.

GaryMc....your profession and your attitude is commendable. I am going to start another thread on "BLM" where folks can post thoughts/comments/etc. Hopefully you will be able to chime in with some insight/understanding on some topics...and of course...point out some good camping places! LOL

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