Lift/Lowering device type II

That power assist is cool, but probably overkill for a lot of us....I think a simple mechanical advantage is all most of us would need. If you guys had something small and easy to use, I'd probably put a few more things on the roof (box, kayak, canoe.....)


Lift distance/weight

A bunch of inventors you are!!

While at this design problem, I'm looking for the lift distance and roof weight data.... this may vary (especially the weight) from model to model. However it would be useful to know. I know you guys must have the distance at least in order to have come up with these wonderful appliances. I think the pulley systems look great... been wondering if a lever system built into a pole would be feasible... need to know the lift distance to work it out. Where do you plan on stowing the lifter??
answer to len on basic lifter

len if you look at my old threads or posts you will see a lever type lifter that worked for me until i changed to pulley system so not only to be able to raise roof with more weight on it but also so my wife could raise or lower roof if needed. as far as storing where ever it fits! hope this info points you in the right slow and enjoy "its the journey"
Len. the lift distance I used was 24 inches I placed the lift to the roof and the floor.......From what I can see if the weight on the roof goes up then the lift needs to distribute the weight over a larger area. with no additional weight on the roof I can see the lift support bow.....

Davinski how small would you like the lift???????
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