Lightweight Ladders for Camper-Roof Access


The Weatherman
Site Team
May 24, 2010
Bend, Oregon
GroovyDad's "latest purchase pic" caught my attention:


I'd been wondering if I could find a very-compact/minimalist ladder that I could use for access to my camper roof for if/when I used my roof-top solar panels in tilt mode. I'd want a moveable ladder, rather than those folding bolted-on cleats/steps, so that I can get access to all sides of the roof (without getting on the roof).
I'm talking about a ladder compact enough that I can carry it with me when camping -- I have big extension ladders and step ladders for home use, but too bulky to carry with.
Wth? I should have previewed that first. I have no idea where the price came from. They normally go for under $200.
Some Ebay sellers do an unreasonably high price when they are out of stock. This way they keep their auctions up for eyeballs to see, yet don't generate any sales, thus minimal fees to Ebay. Once they have the product, the price goes back to the real value and sales start up again.
OK...a quick search on "telescopic aluminum extension ladder" (a general search beyond ebay) shows lots of choices under $100 (and some better-? brands between $100 and $200, e.g. some sold by Home D-po).


I'd forgotten about this type of ladder (I think I've seen them in TV infomercials some time ago) until Craig posted the "overpriced" one ;).
I'm going to get one! I think I'll get one long enough to reach the camper roof while roof is raised.
I have the single-sided version of the one that Alley-cat listed. They sometimes are called 'stick ladders' in that they fold up into a 'stick' less than 4 inches square and length equal to their height. Mine fits across the cab behind the front seats, using space I couldn't otherwise use, and I can grab it from either side.

I have used it a dozen times or more, loading and unloading kayaks, which on an F350 4X4 is at a height a wee bit taller than some of the smaller rigs. My main issue is that when hoisting a 50 lb boat up on it, it wobbles enough on uneven ground that I want someone bracing the ladder while I load and tie down boats. I have decided to use a more conventional ladder for loading and unloading of boats, but I think it would be near ideal if I needed to raise and lower solar panels. I think I spent about $70 for the stick ladder, and it is always in the truck in case I need to access the front 2/3rd of the roof for any reason, say to clear snow or dislodge a rabid beaver.
If I wanted to get a telescoping one from HD, this one seems suitable for pop-up camper use, according to "Carol" of Grand JCT, CO, who gives it a great recommendation:


Though, Carol probably weighs less than I do... :unsure:
This afternoon I ordered the 12.5-foot version. Collapsed it will stow in the catch-all behind my camper couch. :)

Since it's "online only" from HD, I ordered it from Amzn, to get it a week sooner (and a few dollars cheaper).
Alley-Kat said:
I really like this GP Logistics 5 foot Double Sided Compact Folding Ladder.
Nice and compact when folded up, about 4" square and the length of the ladder.
I'm waiting for it to go on sale at Camping World again (I missed it when they first introduced it), or get it from Amazon.
I have this ladder. When I had my Eagle shell it fit perfectly in the long storage compartment above the passenger side wheel well.
MarkBC said:
This afternoon I ordered the 12.5-foot version. Collapsed it will stow in the catch-all behind my camper couch. :)
And it works! :)


It's more stable/sturdy than I was expecting -- it didn't wiggle much even when I had to hurry up the ladder to beat the camera self-timer. ;)

And I confirmed that it will fit behind the couch in under-used space there.

It's a couple sections taller than I needed, maybe (two sections were not extended in this trial), but better too tall than too short.
MarkBC said:
OK...a quick search on "telescopic aluminum extension ladder" (a general search beyond ebay) shows lots of choices under $100 (and some better-? brands between $100 and $200, e.g. some sold by Home D-po).


I'd forgotten about this type of ladder (I think I've seen them in TV infomercials some time ago) until Craig posted the "overpriced" one ;).
I'm going to get one! I think I'll get one long enough to reach the camper roof while roof is raised.
My dad has a couple of these ladders that he uses in to access his two attics. They both hold my 260lbs and extend to a ten ft ceiling....Nice ladders. They'd be great for all sorts of things. Found one rated to 330 lbs but it weighs 23lbs.
I got my telescopic ladder today. I did go with the 8.5" one. I don't want any more than necessary for storage purposes and after trying it out I think thats going to be plenty.
I hate you guys! I've been trying not to order one for a while now----and I see a picture of Mark on the dang thing looking at his FWC's room------and I could no longer resist---and for only $87.00 on Amazon! I hate you again :p !

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