I been watching that too! Sometimes people just don't think, we will go out and play in the snow-then problems happen-even if you are prepared for it.

Having been involved it so many winter search incidents like this.............................'nough said. Pershing County is one of Nevada's smallest and is the Lovelock, Rye Patch area. So few details in that story.
I checked my trusty DeLorme and I see I've never actually been to the Seven Troughs but have been just east in Poker Brown and just north in Rabbithole. 399 is the "major" road leaving Lovecock and heading northwest into that area. Really not a lot out there . . .
The reports say they were found in Trinity Canyon, which is north of Lovecock, very near Poker Brown. It's great that they were found alive.
Thanks for the post and link, Stew.

I'll be following this on my Nevada Benchmark, from inside the house, with either a cold beer (night) or a cup of hot coffee (pre-dawn). Great to know they've been found are are generally OK. It'll be interesting to see exactly what happened.

The one good about going out to "play" is you're generally bundled up pretty well. Glad to hear they found them alive and well. I'll remember to grab the spot the next time I go out and play.
I saw on the news that they rolled their jeep. They slept in the overturned jeep and made fires to stay warm. They looked in pretty good shape from what I saw.
Saw it on CNN while I was at the gym. He rolled the Jeep. Well it was on its top. Didn't look violent. They all stayed with the vehicle.
craig333 said:
The one good about going out to "play" is you're generally bundled up pretty well. Glad to hear they found them alive and well. I'll remember to grab the spot the next time I go out and play.
x2. A PLB or SPOT could have saved a lot of time and effort in this case.
Yeah, I've had my Jeep about 24 years now without rolling it. Lack of injuries makes me think they were probably all buckled in at least.
Glad it turned out well.
Absent some sort of catastrophic mechanical failure, operator error rolled the Jeep.
In addition to that, I'm not aware of any legal and proper means of securing 4 kids in the back seat of a Jeep, so that's operator error #2.

Again, glad they're OK, but like most things like this, following simple rules and the law would have avoided the whole thing.

NBC says:

"The Jeep had been seen Sunday “doing wheelies or doughnuts” at a mining camp in Seven Troughs, a dispatch supervisor said. Officials said the couple had not taken food or water with them."

I'd say this guy rates 10+ on the Stolpa Scale.

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