Man Rescued From Black Rock Desert

ski3pin said:
I guess it must have seemed like a good idea at the time, or maybe a "Hold my beer" moment.

Man Rescued from Black Rock Desert
I've been there in the winter and was warned not to drive out there if the playa was even just a little dark colored. Indeed, I did see a vehicle that had been abandoned not far from the main road. At least he had a winch- :oops:
More of that sinking feeling you get when you realize "you blew it"! What is the advise we give everyone-every year-You never-ever drive off road (and sometimes on road) in that country during the wetter parts of the year-especially by yourself. Hey, Mark BC maybe its time to post your famous "getting unstuck" thread on a road from several years ago about driving in that county :rolleyes: .

Those all terrain tires didn't help. He got an early Christmas present (minus the towing bill).
As a kid we had a couple debris basins in our neighborhood that we used to ride our bikes on and the older boys rode their dirt bikes on. Unless it was wet. Then none of us would even walk on them. We also learned that even when the top was dry that it was still wet underneath. We didn't ride on it until the 'lacquer-checking' was several inches deep and the boys on the dirt bikes worked their way very cautiously out from the perimeter. And they still occasionally broke thru and got stuck. We locals used to gather and laugh at the estoopidos who thought that just because it was a little muddy on top that they could get their 4WD/Dune Buggy/motorcycle across it. The local off-road recovery guy made a small fortune off of them, and so did the local cops.
Just a warning? Come on. I speed, I get a ticket. He broke the law... sure he paid (not sure how much it cost to get him out) but I don't care. People need to start using their head and not go where you aren't supposed to go.
kmcintyre said:
Just a warning? Come on. I speed, I get a ticket. He broke the law... sure he paid (not sure how much it cost to get him out) but I don't care. People need to start using their head and not go where you aren't supposed to go.
X2. Call me a Grinch.
Not sure he needs a fine. By the time his rig is recovered its likely to be close to a complete loss.

That stuff scares me. When I visited the Alvord I stayed away from the playa concerned it might not be completely dry. It was probably okay at that time but I didn't want to take a chance.
Well he's out. Facebook post didn't mention whether they had permission from the BLM or whether he was fined.

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