Manual Control over the Factory ACR


Senior Member
Oct 2, 2014
Manual Control over the factory ACR: I want to be able to force the camper to stay separated from the truck batteries under certain conditions. I'm currently running 4 AGM batteries total, two in the camper and two under the hood of the truck. Currently I have 180W of solar on the roof and the solar charge controller will bring all 4 batteries up to 14.7V which is great for proper charge/maint on AGM batteries.

When I'm camping in the same spot for several days and not driving the vehicle and there is limited sun I want all the available charge from the solar controller going into the two camper batteries only, with limited sunlight I don't need any current going up to the truck batts. You can force the factory Blue Sea ACR off by disconnecting the ground wire going to the ACR. With the ground disconnected the ACR cannot sense voltage on either battery bank and will go open, thereby disconnecting the battery banks and separating the camper batteries from the truck batteries.

Since I have my ARB fridge located over the access door to the ACR it makes it inconvenient to access the ARC and lift the ground wire.....Time to install a switch. This morning I installed a Blue Sea Manual ACR switch that I can easily access without moving the fridge, with the switch located in this position I can reach into the camper from the door and turn the ACR on of off in needed. The switch just connects/disconnects the factory ground wire going to the ACR.

Another option would be to replace the factory ACR with a Blue Sea M-ACR that has full manual control. With the M-ACR you can use the same switch I installed to force the ACR Off, On or place it in Automatic. With my power usage I don't expect the need to manually combine the truck aux batt with the camper batteries so the factory ACR and my manual switch should do the trick.

The Blue Sea M-ACR Switch. Any switch will do for this application, I already had this switch so I'll use it. I like that the rocker portion is guarded to resist against accidental switch changes and that if I decide down the road to install a M-ACR I'm all ready to go. Here I'm starting to fabricate a mounting plate for the switch, the wood is to thick for the switch to mount into so I'll fabricate a plate to attach the switch to then screw the plate onto the wood.




All painted up and ready to install.


Hole drilled in the wood and all mounted up. Switch is wired up to break the ground going to the ACR. You can see the rest of the factory spaghetti mess wiring here as well lol.


This location is easy to access and out of the way. It's nice having easy manual control of the ACR when needed.




Very Nice work...I will be looking into this again after I put in the new Lithium battery pack I am trying to get together... Thanks for the clear photos!
Did your camper come with the SI-ACR like the 2016s? In which case you can use the "SI" terminal to force the ACR to isolate mode, pull it high and the relay will stay open and the batteries isolated. I wired up a "mic-tuning" factory style Toyota switch on my dash. Using the LED terminal I wired the LED in the switch to show the status of the relay - on when the batteries are combined, off when the batteries are isolated and blinking when the ACR is in "start isolate" mode and the batteries are forced to be isolated. Makes it easier to remember to put the ACR back in automatic mode.
Do you have an ACR connecting the 2 batteries in the truck ? I have just added another battery under hood for a total of 4 and am debating how to wire it., I did buy another ACR battery link. The extra battery is the exact AGM to match the 2 in the camper however the starting battery is OEM. Curious how you did it.
rando said:
Did your camper come with the SI-ACR like the 2016s? In which case you can use the "SI" terminal to force the ACR to isolate mode, pull it high and the relay will stay open and the batteries isolated. I wired up a "mic-tuning" factory style Toyota switch on my dash. Using the LED terminal I wired the LED in the switch to show the status of the relay - on when the batteries are combined, off when the batteries are isolated and blinking when the ACR is in "start isolate" mode and the batteries are forced to be isolated. Makes it easier to remember to put the ACR back in automatic mode.
Looks like they changed it, mine came with a Blue Sea BatteryLink ACR, doesn't look like it offers the same start battery issolation feature as the SI unit. I may eventually change it out for a M-ACR so I have full manual control

Pickett said:
Do you have an ACR connecting the 2 batteries in the truck ? I have just added another battery under hood for a total of 4 and am debating how to wire it., I did buy another ACR battery link. The extra battery is the exact AGM to match the 2 in the camper however the starting battery is OEM. Curious how you did it.
Yeah my truck has it's own M-ACR for it's dual batteries. If your going to run dual batts it's important that they are the same type and age, all 4 batteries in the system should be the same type. I'm running AGM on all 4 batteries and have the solar charge controller set to properly charge and maintain AGM's. AGM's require a higher voltage for proper charge and long life, I'm currently charging at 14.7V then dropping down to 13.6V for maint charge. The truck won't charge at that high of voltage but the solar controller will keep them in good order and fully topped off.

My setup is working as follows. When running the truck the alternator starts charging the truck battery on the passenger side, the trucks M-ACR sees the increase in voltage on that battery and automatically ties the Aux battery on the drivers side to the starting battery. At this point the ACR in the camper sees the increase in voltage on the trucks Aux battery and ties the camper batteries to the Aux Battery. Now the alternator is charging all 4 batteries. If I shut the truck off the and voltage starts to drop on the Aux battery the M-ACR will open and isolate the starting batt.

The reverse happens when the solar charger starts charging and all 4 batteries get linked up and charge from the controller. I like the ability to force the camper ACR off when there is limited sun and I'm not driving the vehicle to charge the batts.

Here's a shot of my dual battery setup.


And some pics of the Solar Controller charging all 4 batts.




More pictures and info on my dual battery setup on my build thread here:

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