Memorial Day Weekend Adventure

Nice report with great photos, Ski. We stayed at Pine Creek over Labor Day and it was only half full then. We also hiked the trail up canyon, but with warmer condtions. Looking fwd to next installment.
Thanks for the report. One of my favorite areas/campgrounds, too.

And the rest....?
Another great report 3Pins, you guys sure are making up for lost time after your long winter. We envy your proximity to Nevada and and the Sierras, nice adventure!
More great stuff, ski3pin!

Too bad, I think, about that ugly safety-cover over the source spring, which was also new to me when I was there 2 weeks ago -- too bad 'cause of how it mars the otherwise classic hot-spring-with-magnificent-mountain-backdrop photo!
I wonder if the screen is to keep dogs from becoming hot-dogs? If it's to protect stupid humans then I resent this interference with natural selection!

Repeating myself: one of my favorite, much-visited areas. Looks like you feel the same way!
Great shots of Toquima Range and environs. We like the 'speed goat' lingo ;) We only saw antelope once near Spencer and as I was trying to photograph the herd a local came in his truck doing about 50mph, dusting me and scattering the 'speed goats' Prolly sayin' to himself, "Gol-dang Ca-li-for-ni-a touristas!" :cautious:

Your write up is inspiration to get back there this year.

That looks like a wonderful trip. I would love to get out in the wide open like that someday and see what that type of camping is like. Looks like you could just stop anywhere you like and set up camp.
Great pictures, I'll have to learn how to do imports like that as well.
Great trip report as usual, Ski. You two sure know how to get the most out of life.

We are trying to make plans for the 4th of July weekend. Since you did this over a holiday weekend and were able to get some solitude, what do you think the conditions would be like in this area around the 4th of July. Too hot by then? Still able to get away from the crowds?
All, thanks again for the kind comments, appreciate it.

Ted, we would head out that way for the long fourth weekend. I suspect more people with nicer weather than last weekend but more of the higher country would be open. We will probably be out there also. We are planning a backpack trip into the Mount Jefferson area. Plans aren't set in stone yet but maybe we could meet up the beginning or end of our backpack.

It will be warmer and this is the arid west. I just looked at average high and low temperatures for the two big cities.
Austin: June 76 46 July 85 54
Eureka: June 76 45 July 85 52
Elevations may surprise you. The bottom of Monitor Valley is 6700 feet. The summit of Mt. Jefferson is just under 12,000 feet. Wonderful country!
Thanks for the info, Ski. I'll pm you with our schedule if we end up out there. I haven't forgotten I still owe you some good coffee for defending me against DD. :D
Thanks for the info, Ski. I'll pm you with our schedule if we end up out there. I haven't forgotten I still owe you some good coffee for defending me against DD.

Ted did I mention I like brownies? (hint, hint)

Ski…Thanks for the great report...Austin, Eureka? Big citys…really?

Don’t drive fast when the speed trap is setup.
Yes, Patrick, I have not forgotten promising you brownies. Seeing as you aren't too far from this itinerary, we should all meet at Pine Creek. I can supply Ski and the Lady with coffee and Pat and Carol with brownies. Now if Stew could drive out and meet us, I can bring him some Guiness and be debt free!

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