Meteor Sunday Morning


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Jun 30, 2009
Sierra Nevada Range
Meteor Across Nevada & California

Early Sunday morning as we were having breakfast at our campsite in the Bodie Hills we heard a boom. Our comments at the time were rifle shot or sonic boom. Upon returning home I heard from friends and neighbors that it was quite the event here - a huge sonic boom that rattled homes and windows, the ground shook, and people ran outside and looked into the sky. Barking Spider described it as a huge blast followed by smaller popping sounds. Did anyone else experience this?
I was wondering if other of our Sierra Nevadans heard it, too. This particular bolide made the national news - even the Albuquerque stations carried the story.
We heard the boom around 8:00 am, rattled the house and felt like something had hit it. We were outside inspecting the house when we noticed our neighbors doing the same.

I've got to say that was by far the strongest sonic boom I've ever experienced.
Any of you treasure hunters heading out to look for meteorites from this? If this was a nickle-iron body a metal detctor would be useful. Beyond the scientific value, meteorites are worth some $$.
Any of you treasure hunters heading out to look for meteorites from this? If this was a nickle-iron body a metal detctor would be useful. Beyond the scientific value, meteorites are worth some $.

Meteorite Men
I actually mentioned in my trip planning thread that I heard an avalanche control blast at Squaw Valley. I was wrong. It was this. Same sound exactly, but waaaaay louder and from above. It hit my chest pretty good. I feel pretty lucky to have been there to hear it! Amazing! We were just sitting behind the camper enjoying morning coffee in the sun.
Any of you treasure hunters heading out to look for meteorites from this? If this was a nickle-iron body a metal detctor would be useful. Beyond the scientific value, meteorites are worth some $$.

Hola HighZ
Speaking of booms, do you get them from Holloman AFB? I think it may be the F22's. We have been having many more than in years past.
Hola HighZ
Speaking of booms, do you get them from Holloman AFB? I think it may be the F22's. We have been having many more than in years past.

Yes, indeed. This year, we have been hearing less though. I read in the paper that Cloudcroft residents started complaining. Holloman officials were cooperative and changed flight patterns. I guess they changed them to over you :(

Holloman is the observatory's worst source of light pollution. They have been very gracious about shielding lights, etc. to mitigate the problem.
More media coverage

Mercury News

My brother lives in this area. I asked him if he has looked or found any fragments on his property. He said he'd need to mow the grass and weeds down to look. Probably isn't going to happen.
More media coverage

Mercury News

My brother lives in this area. I asked him if he has looked or found any fragments on his property. He said he'd need to mow the grass and weeds down to look. Probably isn't going to happen.

So, it looks like metal detectors won't be too much help. Based on this quote "This appears to be a rare type of primitive meteorite rich in organic compounds," it sounds like it might be a carbonaceous chondrite.Not a lot of metal in those.

So, it looks like the meteorites will have to be hunted for by eye.
Interesting link to the consortium, Ski. Thanks for the update. Interesting that the find rate has dropped recently. I'm guessing that is largely because the number of hunters has dwindled?
My buddy, Barking Spider is still quite excited. He thought a large jet had crashed as he ran outside. His neighbor down the hill was certain there had been a large explosion because of the flash through the skylights that lit up the inside of his house. The little old lady next door that they never see was out in the street asking, "What was that?, what was that! "My brother is happy the number of searchers has dropped. We heard it over in the Bodie Hills, but it seems it came right overhead here on its path to the west. A once in a lifetime experience.
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