Meteorological Summer 2017

ski3pin said:
Mr. Casa, remember MarkBC's (aka weatherman) report about the "meteorological" seasons compared with the better known "astronomical" seasons based on the solstice and equinox?

Fall starts September 1. Winter starts December 1. Springs starts March 1. Summer rolls around again on June 1. :)
OK got it.Must have missed that "memo".
When you get to "geezerhood" thinks like that happen.
Thanks for the reminder.
Even though Bend, OR high temperatures seem mild to those in much of California, upper 90s seem hot to a lot of us here...especially when they happen in meteorological autumn.

Weather_97701_20170828-1.jpg make it worse (more whining...), for most of the past month we've had "Air Quality Alerts" most days, due to all the fires around Oregon. Makes for nice sunrises/sunsets, but not so nice for breathing lungs.
Yesterday afternoon there were ashes on the roof of my car! :eek:

Hot enough. I'm scheduled for four days off (short paycheck but oh well) and I'm pretty sure those will be spent at a decent altitude. Cooling off right now as I repair my shower and few other things before it really heats up. Pump went out on the hot water tank at work so I got sent home early. Prepping the camper while its only 90.
The air in Bend today looked like Beijing. :eek:
No...I've never been to Beijing, but I've seen photos.
Sure, here it's good old fashioned wood smoke, rather than auto, coal, or other industrial air pollution...but still not good to breathe.

Official DEQ Air Quality in Bend is "Unhealthful" today, and in nearby Sisters, nearest the largest local fire, it's deemed "Very Unhealthful".

There were ashes on the roof of my car again, and because I left the car windows open, there were ashes inside the car, on the seats, too.

I saw Safeway grocery employees wearing dust masks when they went outside to gather carts.

Wildfires are a part of summer in the West, but the local smoke is worse -- or bad for longer -- than I remember it being in past years.
Wow Mark that doesn't sound good.
We have friends in Eugene and they are getting a lot of smoke also.
Any time line for the smoke to clear out?
Our local weather guy said we will be getting our wind out of the NNE/NE soon .
That will bring some higher temps here though.

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