Milts Illustrated Journals in Review

hebegebe, phones can be a pain in the A__. Many times the link on a post opens in a different link. Computer is the only sure way to open links. jd

Sent from my SM-G900V using Wander The West mobile app
Hebegebe and Longhorn1 are right. I wondered what they were talking about so I checked this thread with my phone and it does route to entirely different posts. Very odd. I use Tapatalk app for WTW viewing.
If I could ask for a god-given talent the first would be the talent to draw/paint like this. The second I'd ask for would be to have a great singing voice. Not so much to sing while I drew, but I think those are the best of all talents. What a fantastic ability and these trip reports are in a class by themselves. Please Milt, don't tell you can sing too!
Wonderful memories of your explorations. I too was blessed with the ability to draw. Musucal ability, otoh, is woefully lacking. Your watercolors have inspired me to buy a small colored pencil set with tablet in a case. I have tons of drawing equipment at home but too much to carry so a small kit was the answer. My other passion is photography and sunce i can be lazy, i capture my surroundings with my camera rather than my pencils or pen and ink. You have been an inspiration. I also have an iPad Pro and Apple Pencil and have been playing around with the various apps but find i prefer the more tactile and for me more intuitive analog approach of real paper and pencils. Thanks for sharing.
Jaw dropping and smile inspiring.... Water colors... being able to "see" with that lens..... it is a gift and I am glad a person who is in a FWC has it!..... I have bookmarked this too and keep coming back for "seconds". Thanks for putting them out for us to enjoy.
What a great January (especially compared to mine in Minnesota)! Your sketches are great at giving a sense of your locations. Thanks for posting your report.
Back on the road again











Hope to keep going til I'm gone for good
Wonderful Milt, as always! Such an inspiring perspective you have! :)

Hope you don't mind, I added your pictures into your post.

Thanks so much for sharing your adventures and art.
HEY, thanks again to MarkBC who's become a friend and has helped this old hat who has just a flip-phone and dial-up
to put this stuff up here. Who, me online?
Last summer drew and journaled for a month with little to say but the travel journal thing a tough habit to break. Got eyes rebuilt but still have no idea where I'm going, just where I am. Spent the winter tending home fires, longest one in memory. The old camper has been staying put. It really needs me to keep patching it up, and we're still slowly going away, hopefully leaving only a small wake in the digital stream of impermanence.










Enjoyed that Milt. I took that back road south from Stonryford to RedBluff last year instead of up I-5, nice and peaceful trip, especially after a few hectic days spent by mistake (after a breakdown near Williams) at one of those full of big dirt bikes/atv's FS CG's near there! Again thanks, need to really take my time and do that whole run again maybe even take 162 across to 101.

Such a great way to report your relaxed travels. I enjoy reading your notes and seeing the drawings. Thanks for sharing your gift with us.
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