Mounting an 1976 8 Foot Cab over on a 1995 Dodge Ram


Senior Member
Apr 12, 2018
San Francisco
I will be driving to New Mexico early July to pick and pay. I have seen the need to raise the camper from the bed for the Camper to clear the cab does anyone have any advice? 2" 3" 4" What are the negative effects and balance issues. Thank you people.
I would think you need at least 2 to 3 inches of clearance between the camper and the roof of the cab.

I would try calling or emailing the Alaskan factory and ask their advice on how much clearance they recommend, I hear they're good at supporting new owners that way.

How are you planning to attach it? It looks like Alaskan sells and recommends the Happijack system, FWTW.

Remember also that it will be a good idea to put a rubber mat between the bed and the camper to help keep it from sliding around.

Good Luck
We have a similar vintage Alaskan and a 1994 Dodge Ram 2500. I think 2x4 would be enough to clear the cab but we put a sheet of 1/2 plywood on top of the 2x4 just to make sure it clears. You won’t have any problems with balance. It’s a great truck/camper combo. Make sure to share some photos when you can!
(If you haven't already) Be sure to check the width at the rear of the camper and your tailgate opening of your truck. I (and several others) have had to shave the back end of an Alaskan to get it to fit for the ride home. That way, if you need to take a sawzall and some other implements of destruction, you'll be prepared.
I had to cut the left side of my Alaskan to get it home. I ended up making the left side flush from front to back and modifying the right side by taking 4" off of the side box.
Day 1 - got it home:

Here's the right side before and after when I got it home:


Also, I added 1x4's to the bottom to raise the camper and better clear the truck bed rails, mine's a non-cab-over, so I didn't need to worry about clearing the cab.
I wasn't sure about the height on my Alaskan/'88 F-250 and I wasn't about to drive 80 miles each way only to find out it hit the cab or the side rails so I did what any cautious guy would do...
1) scrounged some 2x6s and bought one sheet of 5/8" plywood.
2) I cut a frame to sit UNDER the plywood with a 2x6 running fore and aft at the edge of the plywood so as to carry the weight of the camper up through the sides of the lower section and not eventually push the floor out of whack!
3) I added TWO sections of 2x6, one at the front and one at the rear of the plywood to do the same thing; carry the weight of the Alaskan up through the sides of he lower, not through the floor.
4) I also added TWO more crossmembers spaced evenly under the plywood

As it is, I found I can remove the 2x6s and just put the plywood down onto my Bed-Liner. That way water will run down the liner to the rear and out.

The point is....carry MORE than what you need to be sure as you can modify it later....

Oh...and if you post a REAR pic of the Alaskan, I think Ken can comment on your having a rear width problem! However, if the rear of the camper is the same 48" wide as the rest of the camper you are good to go.
I have seen that done in pictures and got some good indications/pointers I do have some pics the owner sent and will post these.
The owner has the lumber and also another Alaskan with some experience in these matters, my only problem (chuckle) is my limited strength brought on by the years looking at 70 in the rearview I will rustle up some inside pics, Again happy fathers day to all you dads.
Picking up truck and camper in Co. 2006 3500 dodge ram diesel with a 2014 8' co. Then driving back to Florida. Plan on wandering around the West for a while before heading back.
Wagoneer....Take another look at the photos Ken posted of how he had to narrow the rear section of his Alaskan. There are different combinations of Alaskan widths depending on what features it was ordered with. I strongly suggest you check with Ken in detail and with the owner of the unit you are buying. Have him measure the distance to the SIDE from the door frame on the pass and driver's side of the camper. I would also measure the width of the opening of your truck bed and post that HERE as well.

I am not sure if yours will fit in that truck or not but now is the time to ascertain that, not the day you arrive to pick it up and you run the risk of it NOT fitting into your Dodge.

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