Muhammad Ali, simply 'The Greatest', dead at 74

Mr. Sage, thanks for the post and link. The article grabbed me, I had to read it all. It was good to be reminded of the trials and successes of the past. Muhammad Ali was a central figure in the history I've seen play out in my lifetime and he was a dichotomy - a brutal sport, a loud and brash entertainer, and a kind man with a voice. It is good to remember his words.

"The man who views the world at 50 the same as he did at 20 has wasted 30 years of his life."

"I'm blessed by God to be recognized as the most famous face on the Earth today. And I cannot think of nothing better than helping God's creatures or helping poverty or good causes where I can use my name to do so."
Last evening watching MSNBC,and hearing the news about his passing Brian Williams did a great segment on a lot of his life.
Things about him it seemed few people knew other than his fighting career.
Never knew he gave a great speech at Harvard.Wow what a terrific human.
I am of the age ( a year younger ) to remember the beginning of his career,but lost a good deal of it due to just living mine.
Always liked his comment about the war," ...I ain't got no quarrel with them Viet Cong..."
He stood up to what me believed in and lived his life on those terms.
"The Greatest" too short. Ali we'll miss you.
When I was growing up in the same town as a small child he was Cassius Clay! May he rest in peace.

After a fight in Zaire a reporter asked him what he thought of Africa. He replied, "I'm sure glad my Granddaddy got on that boat!"
There are still a lot of inequities in the world. But it's a reminder for all of us to occasionally count our blessings. Things could always be worse.
Squatch said:
When I was growing up in the same town as a small child he was Cassius Clay! May he rest in peace.

After a fight in Zaire a reporter asked him what he thought of Africa. He replied, "I'm sure glad my Granddaddy got on that boat!"
There are still a lot of inequities in the world. But it's a reminder for all of us to occasionally count our blessings. Things could always be worse.
Very good thoughts.
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