Interior propane cabinets are a no-no, but I have seen them in other builds, so when I did mine, I promised myself that I would be meticulous in the care I took connecting it and that I would be extra vigilant in using it. I used some weatherproofing gasket material around the propane cabinet door to make a tight seal. Then, I drilled a series of holes in the side and bottom of the propane cabinet, so any gas that may leak would vent to the outside.

Originally, I ordered my shell with a factory built in outdoor propane cabinet, but after mulling my design over, I realized the built in cabinet would intrude too much into the interior and at a place I didn't want it to, so I opted to build my own smaller cabinet that I could tuck into a corner.

As you know, propane stinks, so any leak will be immediately noticeable (unless you're dead asleep). I also bought a C0 detector that I use in conjunction with the smoke detector. All in all, I feel very comfortable using my propane set up.

One thought on mounting a tank outside: if you leave your tailgate on, sometimes a small "porch" on the back of the camper is created. On my Tacoma, there would be plenty of room for an 11 lb. propane bottle to be mounted there.
Thanks. That is good info. You are not the only build I've seen inside and frankly I would think that access to the shut off valve would be better than a completely external build. After all if that thing wants to erupt nothing on that camper will protect you. As long as it is vented safely I think you are fine:) I just want the interior space and can get that if I can come up with a mount I am happy with. By the time I get my camper I will have it all planned out or be really really confused....lmao

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