My first deer!

I like the self portrait as well! The rough terrain of snow and branches, the fog swirling in the air, came out nice.

Thank you, it was just my canon point and shoot on one of those GorillaPods. I did spiff it up in Lightroom though :cool:
Great job GG!! I remember my first kill, Nevada cow elk and how great that felt. I now have 2 cows, 1 doe and 2 bucks to my hunting resume and that's in 7 years of hunting. I harvested a NV 3x2 muley buck this year on a backpack hunt in the Ruby mtns. outside of Elko. If I could figure out how to post pics I'd throw one or two up. :oops:

As others have said, learn how to quarter or bone out your kills and it becomes much easier. Although, I packed out 120 pounds 3 miles and 1300' of elevation loss on my backpack hunt this year so it's still not easy!!

A full freezer going into winter is truly a great feeling.
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