My son in my camper, first time!


Advanced Member
Nov 2, 2010
Hi guys. This post is just to share my enthusiasm for an unplanned, future ATC trip. I live in MN, so I don't get down to the SW that often, which is where I like to go.

Anyway, I store my ATC Bobcat in my parents extra garage spot. They hosted Christmas this year, so I thought I should check on my Bobcat. My 3 year old nephew came with and we popped the top and he had tons of questions.

-Why is the fridge so small?
-Where does the water for the sink come from?
-Would it be loud if a rocket ship flew past us?

Then, I ran and got my 4 month old son so he could have his first time in the camper, first time not in mom's tummy. Anyway, the three of us sat in there and my nephew and I talked about all the fun times we are going to have. I tried to tell him about mountains and camping and everything. He kept asking of the bears would eat us, but then he assured me he would just spray them with the fire extinguisher. My little guy kept smiling, so I think he liked it too.

It is going to be one of the better things in life to throw those guys in my truck in a few years and show them Death Valley, Telluride, Moab, all kinds of awesome places. Makes me excited just thinking of it.

Cheers to everyone who is itching for their next adventure!!!
Hi guys. This post is just to share my enthusiasm for an unplanned, future ATC trip. I live in MN, so I don't get down to the SW that often, which is where I like to go.

Anyway, I store my ATC Bobcat in my parents extra garage spot. They hosted Christmas this year, so I thought I should check on my Bobcat. My 3 year old nephew came with and we popped the top and he had tons of questions.

-Why is the fridge so small?
-Where does the water for the sink come from?
-Would it be loud if a rocket ship flew past us?

Then, I ran and got my 4 month old son so he could have his first time in the camper, first time not in mom's tummy. Anyway, the three of us sat in there and my nephew and I talked about all the fun times we are going to have. I tried to tell him about mountains and camping and everything. He kept asking of the bears would eat us, but then he assured me he would just spray them with the fire extinguisher. My little guy kept smiling, so I think he liked it too.

It is going to be one of the better things in life to throw those guys in my truck in a few years and show them Death Valley, Telluride, Moab, all kinds of awesome places. Makes me excited just thinking of it.

Cheers to everyone who is itching for their next adventure!!!

No picture necessary. Thanks.
I know and understand the feeling. I don't think I have any pictures but my 19mo old loves coming out in the garage and running around in the camper I'm building in there right now. Put him up on the cabover and he runs around with that stopping stride they have. Good times to be had in the future. :D
I know and understand the feeling. I don't think I have any pictures but my 19mo old loves coming out in the garage and running around in the camper I'm building in there right now. Put him up on the cabover and he runs around with that stopping stride they have. Good times to be had in the future. :D

These are your "good ol' days"...
It is going to be one of the better things in life to throw those guys in my truck in a few years and show them Death Valley, Telluride, Moab, all kinds of awesome places. Makes me excited just thinking of it.

Cheers to everyone who is itching for their next adventure!!!

Your post made me smile and laugh. May your family have many wonderful adventures!
Hold 'em tight.....and don't wait to go out and about with em in tow.

**** happens and your life can completely change in mere seconds. Believe me.

thanks for the beautiful visual

That is flat out awesome! If every kid had an outdoor influence like you, the world would be a better place.

I still remember my Dad teaching me at a young age and it made me who I am (not an ax murder). :unsure:

Home Skillet
made me who I am (not an ax murder). :unsure:

Home Skillet

Oh good. We might have been a bit worried up there in the Warner's Skillet. ;)

Thanks for the youthful enthusiasm BRP. It brings me back to early days when my 24 yr. old son went out with us in our Westy. Imprint 'em with a love of the outdoors! It never goes away.
It is going to be one of the better things in life to throw those guys in my truck in a few years and show them Death Valley, Telluride, Moab, all kinds of awesome places. Makes me excited just thinking of it.


brp, thanks for your wonderful enthusiasm and priorities! You made my day, thanks.

Don't wait a few years to do >anything< with your kids. Live for today. Live in the moment. Screw off all the **** >everyone tells you is important< and spend that quality "dad" time with them >now<.

"time waits for no one..."

be safe, all


Don't wait a few years to do >anything< with your kids. Live for today. Live in the moment. Screw off all the **** >everyone tells you is important< and spend that quality "dad" time with them >now<.

"time waits for no one..."

be safe, all


I think he was acknowledging that his 4mo old son wouldn't have any experience, adsorption, or recollection of any of these places even if they went for a few years. Definitely take the kid camping a bunch in the meantime but I can appreciate keeping it low key camping with the little ones rather than long haul camping to desolate places. They're happy just to run around outside, watch a campfire (from the safety of your lap), etc.

But outside of that clarification I agree with your sentiment that you only get one rodeo and a select number of years to raise your kids and forge whatever bond you'll have going forward in life. Working extra hours at the office, even if it pays for the kids future college, isn't going to matter to a little kid.
Hi guys. This post is just to share my enthusiasm for an unplanned, future ATC trip. I live in MN, so I don't get down to the SW that often, which is where I like to go.

I was in MN for 9 years and discovered that a trip to Big Bend in the winter was a great escape :D A different part of the SW but a great spot to go for some warmer temps and great views.
The 4 month old may not have any memory of the trips taken...but the parents certainly will.

Trust me on this.

The 4 month old may not have any memory of the trips taken...but the parents certainly will.

Trust me on this.


Very true. I'm just looking at it from the perspective if a certain big trip is only able to occur once foresee ably then I'd say hold off till the kid can appreciate it too. Obviously hit up as much other stuff as you can in the meantime.
Hi guys. I really appreciate all everybody has said. Just along the lines of what people are saying, about nothing being a sure thing, I got my son into the Boundary Waters Canoe Area when he was a month old. It is my favorite place on Earth and I wanted him to get a little taste of it as early as possible. Just as much, if not more, for me than for him. (see picture). I kept the rock he first touched, his first of many steps there I hope. He was only there for an hour or so, don't worry.

Im actually thinking of buying some land near there, so we could literally build a cabin together. It would mean less time for camper trips, so thats the flip slide.


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I am happy to report that my son spent his first night in the camper last Saturday night! It has been the nicest March ever here in MN, so I decided to take the camper out and we spent the night at Willow River State Park in WI.

The campsite was nothing to write home about, but it having him out there was great. I proped him up in the corner of the camper, near the fire extinguisher in an ATC, and he just looked out the window, smiled and chewed on his hands. I think he liked the wind and the smells. Since he was born in August and we live in Minneapolis, lately he has been getting his first extended periods outside, it is curious and new for him.

Anyway, just wanted to share the good experience.
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