Napa Earthquake. Did you feel it?


Senior Member
Jun 30, 2009
Stockton CA
I was actually sleeping in the camper a home. Mattress test of the 2" memory foam topper. 3:17 AM I had a nature call, walked into the house and was seated at 3:20 AM. Good sized bump even over here in Stockton. Went out and looked at the pool, water sloshing good but did not come over the top. Went back to the camper and the wife thought I was shaking the camper.
Currently visiting my cousin near Sebastopol. Sleeping in their guest house. It woke us up. We will be in the camper in Bodega Bay tonight, right on the San Andreus fault. I wonder if we will get another?
I woke up a few minutes before it hit and hadn't yet fallen back asleep. Long rolling motion. According to the "measure distance" feature in Google Maps, it was about 20 miles from my house. I thought to myself, "This is either a smallish earthquake that is nearby, or a big earthquake that is farther away."
Lots of broken china and glass at my in-laws place in Napa. No structural damage. We'll stop by on our way home tomorrow. My sister's place came through mostly untouched. Haven't got a hold of the nephew in Vallejo yet.
Espresso said:
I woke up a few minutes before it hit and hadn't yet fallen back asleep. Long rolling motion. According to the "measure distance" feature in Google Maps, it was about 20 miles from my house. I thought to myself, "This is either a smallish earthquake that is nearby, or a big earthquake that is farther away."
Wife was awake about the time and she thought she heard some creaking noise from outside,but we are a good distance away. I have the same thought when I first feel one. Could it a really huge one far away or a small one around here.

Daughter in SF was awakened with some shaking she said seemed like 30 seconds or more.
I was awake (this is in Sacramento), something went bump, and my bed shook. I'm afraid I thought it was the house's foundation shifting--place is pretty dilapidated. All of the many many neighbourhood dogs howled and carried on. I didn't actually register it as an earthquake until I read about it this morning. Cousin in Livermore reports that he was thrown out of bed. Yikes.
I wonder how many bottles of wine were lost?
Hadn't heard that there were injuries.

News said this was the strongest shaker since the Loma Prieta in 1989.

Hope all are safe.
Lots of wine bottles broken in the pictures I have seen. One good thing that is not being reported (may not be politically correct). There is no looting, saw a press conference and the PD spokesman was asked about looting and he just said it is not an issue. Good people in the Napa Valley just helping each other and not ripping anyone off. Restores your faith in humanity.
billharr said:
Lots of wine bottles broken in the pictures I have seen. One good thing that is not being reported (may not be politically correct). There is no looting, saw a press conference and the PD spokesman was asked about looting and he just said it is not an issue. Good people in the Napa Valley just helping each other and not ripping anyone off. Restores your faith in humanity.
That is good to hear.
We haven't gotten any new news on our stations yet. Maybe at the 6 o'clock news time.
Our niece rode it out it out, nerves rattled. All is okay. We were in the mountains for the weekend teaching. Not a shake where were were.
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