Soldier Meadows NV north to the Steens Mtns mid Oct.


Senior Member
Dec 18, 2017
SF Bay Area
What might someone anticipate for weather conditions from Cedarville over to Massacre Ranch, down to High Rock Canyon and Soldier Meadows then up through Virgin Valley and on to The Steens Mtns in mid Oct?

Beyond "anything is possible", and hoping for the best but preparing for the worst, is it too late in the year to reasonably try to visit this area?

Several years ago, we camped at Fish Lake on Steens Mtn in late Sept/ early Oct. Weather was cold at night but we can deal with that.

The tough part was finding a campsite as the place had many empty parked trailers/campers holding spots for deer hunting season which starts Oct 5 this year. Rules say that you are supposed to personally occupy the site but only a couple of trailers showed signs of current activity. Be prepared to drive to another camping spot if needed, i.e. don’t arrive late in day.

Don’t know about the other spots you named.

Mr Slash: That sounds like a nice trip. I've been in the black rock desert in late September and the weather was nice enough. Rained a bunch too. I bet you'll have a great time. I've always wanted to get up to the Steens area but have yet to do it.

Note that Cedarville has a nice motel, the Surprise Valley Hot Springs. Each room has a private soaking tub. Really nice. The hot springs at Soldier Meadow made me itch!

Also, south of Cedarville is the Barrel Springs back country byway. Very pretty but I don't recall much in the way of dispersal camp sites.
Thanks for the replies! Even though I grew up in Idaho I had completely forgotten to factor in hunting season PaulT!
I appreciate the itch warning about the soldier Meadows Hot Springs Dadocut, we'll keep that in mind, and the Barrel Springs Back Country Byway may need checking out!

I just left Page Springs yesterday 9/20. During the week, campsites were available, but starting last Thursday afternoon, a number of campers arrived. By dark, the campground was full. In contrast, South Steens Campground was completely empty when we explored that area on Tuesday. We did not visit Fish Lake or Jackman Park.

Edit: per the camp host, we experienced 1.85” of rain over Sunday and Monday.
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