Nature walk around the farm

Casa Escarlata Robles Too said:
You have the "lakes". We live about 3 miles from the beach and a lot of the time when the surf is running big we hear the pounding.
The sound and smell are blessings for sure! Carol and I few out for a Trip in 2018 to Temecula wine country. Took in the winery’s and country side beautiful! We spent a day in Coronado walking the beach and a meal at Hotel Del Coronado. Weather was amazing and the beach experience was beautiful. Looking forward for more trips to California.
Casa Escarlata Robles Too said:
Next time you'll have to plan a trip to the central/north coast. Less people and a more rugged coastline.
Boom on the list. I have a bud up in Washington to visit. That would be a great road trip. Stockpiling ideas from all the trip posts.
Casa Escarlata Robles Too said:
Wayne I think there are some trip reports on my blog you might like to view.
Excellent blog record of your travels! Photography is also fantastic with a nice verbal summary. Thanks for sharing the great trip ideas.
Casa Escarlata Robles Too said:
Wayne thank you for the kind thoughts.
If I can help in some planing let me know.

How are all the birds doing?
It’s a total Audubon society love fest here. Nesting birds are wild, migrating species passing through and everything in between. Had our first quail calls this week very excited to hear them.

Bluebird chicks are growing fast.

Robins are also growing fast. Other nesters are still incubating and will be hatching soon. Spring is a reminder of the renewal of life.
Thanks for asking Wayne.
Every morning on our walk we check out the Barn Owl nest.
3 little ones but looks like the first to hatch might be getting ready to leave the nest.
Lots of spring time live around.

Thanks for the update.

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