New Member just wanted to say hello


Dec 15, 2013
Just got some pictures of my new Hawk and could not think of a better place to share them!
I have been reading as much as possible for a while now on this forum so when I got the pictures I figured I better sign up and share. This has been a great place for me to gather information and has helped me a lot in ordering the things that I needed in my camper. Camper get installed on the 21st and I can not wait!
So on to the pictures of the camper and my truck.

IMG_0680.jpgcamper11 copy.jpg

Going to have to post twice to get the four picture up.
Congrats! I'm going with the Silver Spur as well. If you don't mind, how much is the A/C option? Make sure to post some interior pics when you can. Thanks!
The ac was 700 dollars but coming from a hallmark with no ac and having to tote around one of those portable ones it was worth it to me. I will post as many pictures as you guys would like after i have it installed. It is just a shell as well forgot to mention that.
The Black truck with the silver spur exterior is totally bitching....
Me...., I'm hoping the Easter Bunny does me right. Congratulations !
I really don't have anything planned as far as interior build out. I guess since i started the thread i can write as much as i would like.

so here goes

This journey started when I bought my current truck you see in the photos. When I had my previous truck I had a topper on it and even though it took me some time to get used to the "old man" look as mama called it I soon realized i could not be with out one. Or so i thought! So got the new truck and made a few calls on a new topper optioned out the way i would like and was blown away by the price. So then i started searching craigslist to try and find a deal and actually found one of those flip pacs. So i went to look at it and thought that it was a pretty cool idea but didn't like the look of it for my truck, but that got the juices flowing. Soon came to the conclusion that i could find a decent used Truck camper for about the same price as normal topper. Did as much reading as i could on brands and came to the conclusion I was going to give one a try. So the search began to find a decent used one so if i hated everything about it i could sell and not loose much money. Looked at several and finally found a 2002 Hallmark Milner for a fair price so I picked it up. Up to that point I had seen FWC online and what not but never did find a used one to look at. So we got the hallmark and went on about living our lives. We have three good sized dogs that do not ride inside the truck but are not allowed to ride in the bed without a topper or now a camper. Two things became apperant soon after getting the hallmark. First was the weight and second was the space for the dogs while we traveled. Once set up and popped up mama, myself, and the three dogs could make do since we try not to spend much time inside. Started taking it to work since i work out of town. Like I tell the guys out there its not a very big space but its my space. It started to be a permanent fixture on my truck. Jump forward maybe six months and I loved the camper except for a few things. The weight #1 floor space #2 and no ac # 3. Started talking to mama and we came to the conclusion that we bought used so that we could try it out and sell it if we didn't like it, but we never discussed what to do if we liked the idea just not the camper layout. Decided to buy a new one just the way we wanted it and live the dream. With the three dislikes from the first camper we ended up with a FWC shell with a heater and an ac.

Located in the great state of Wyoming !!!

Just look past any spelling, grammar, or punctuation issue please. :)
Nice story.You put a lot of thought into what you wanted and how much you could spend.
I am sure you will enjoy the FWC even though there are still limitations,and you just have to get used to them.
Storage is one that comes to mind but if you are creative you can make spaces work.
One of the fun things I find about owning a WFC/ATC type camper is trying out different ideas until you get ones that work for you.
Good luck with your new toy.
Thanks to everyone for the warm welcome.
Just about done with my battery box. When I get it complete I will post some pictures. If any of you are familiar with the mega cab there is a box behind the back seat that houses the factory sub and a little storage area. What I did was remove this box and build my own. It will hold the two group 31 agm batteries, the factory sub and i will still have a little storage space. The plan is to make it look as close to stock as possible.

Thanks again
Here is the battery box that i have been working on. On the far left I made a new box for the factory subwoofer. In the middle is the spot for the two group 31 batteries and on the right is a little storage area like the factory box had. In the battery section just to the left of the batteries is where the separator and fuse will go. I think it turned out pretty good the only thing that didn't work out to my liking is the rubber pad that i put beneath the batteries. It does not allow the top to close all the way. I am hoping as the batteries sit on the pad it will compress and allow the lid to close all the way.
Thanks for looking
one more picture in the next post

Welcome to the family and WTW. Your going to love your new camper.
Keep reading the posts as there are lots of great ideas to "build out your shell".

Posting Pictures
You need to shrink your pictures down to 28% to get a large number of them onto one post.

Procedure as follows:

[SIZE=10.5pt]Assuming you are using a windows based computer (NOT Apple).[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]How to resize your photograph by percent[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt][/SIZE]

1. Right click on the image and select ‘Edit’. (This should bring up Windows Paint.)
2. On the menu bar at the top, select "Image" -> "Stretch/Skew"…
3. Change the percentages in the Stretch box for both Vertical and Horizontal from 100% to 28%. Make them both the same or else the picture will not be proportionate.
4. Save the file (you may want to ‘Save As’ to a different file so you don’t overwrite the original.)Call it "photo description-28.doc
[SIZE=10.5pt]Now upload and they all fit.[/SIZE]
I do not have a windows computer. Using a mac but tried to make pictures smaller will see if that worked.


I resized but still can only fit 3.

New posts - WTW

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