New Mexico Spring time Hot Spots?


Is that Aguirre Spring campground you are referring to? Good that you thought of that. A visitor really should get a view of the Organ Mountains, too. As I recall, it's not free to camp there, but was very reasonable.

I'm technically an NMSU employee too, (though the funding comes from a consortium).

Congrats on retirement, Barko. I can hardly wait for the "rule of 75" to kick in for me, so I can do more wandering too.
We're planning a trip to southern NM the last week in March, weather permitting. Thinking about this Aguilla place and also City of Rocks. If you see me, say hello.
We're planning a trip to southern NM the last week in March, weather permitting. Thinking about this Aguilla place and also City of Rocks. If you see me, say hello.

I'm thinking of hitting the city of rocks about that time.
last week in March

If I can pick the lock to my leg shackles at work, I'll try to escape long enough to drive over to meet you guys.

If I can't get away, and if you want to wander over to the Sacramento mountains, I'll give you a tour of Apache Point Observatory.
If I can't get away, and if you want to wander over to the Sacramento mountains, I'll give you a tour of Apache Point Observatory.

What is that closest to? I want to check it out on the map.

It's right next to the National Solar Observatory in Sunspot, NM. We are in the Lincoln National Forest, with plenty of camping opportunities. The village of Cloudcroft is also nearby.

You can Google Apache Point Observatory to get a map.
New Mexico Road Trip

I don't think it was quite spring time, but New Mexico has some interesting canyons and I forgot the name of the place where the Indians lived on the walls of the canyons, but they are pretty cool to look at and . Be careful buying the jewelery. Most of it is fake or you can haggle and get it much cheaper. Have fun.
DD- Cloudcroft is east of Alamogordo, NM a short ways. Not far from White Sands too, which is always worth a visit.

highz-I thought the observatory was closed in winter? Do you work there? And is your avatar a pic of City of Rocks?

I know northern NM is hurting for snow right now, I imagine your area is too huh?
The observatory is open year-round. Winter is primetime with nice long nights. Yep, I work there and on those nice long nights in winter we all get sleep deprived and a little crazy. Now that spring approaches, we hope that sanity will return, though in my case, it may not make a noticeable difference ;)

Yes, my avatar is at City of Rocks.

Snow - I think I remember what that looks like. I had my X-C skis out three times this winter, and that's all. The forest service sign says the fire danger is already high. It's going to be a scary fire season if we don't get some rain. If we don't, the Lincoln NF will probably have to close until the monsoon hits. The last time the LNF closed it was from May - July, so a March/April trip should be okay.

I thought the snowpack up north was good this year. Not so?
From City of Rocks you are very close to the Gila Cliff Dwellings, camping next to the river before you hit the park, and hot springs.


And Lake Robert in th Gila NF is right between City of Rocks and Gila Cliff Dwellings.
I thought the snowpack up north was good this year. Not so?
It was until early Feb. I haven't gotten a snow report email from Taos in at least 3 weeks. It's been warm there too.

Are you an astronomer?
Are you an astronomer?

Yes. I'm lucky in that I'm attached to a project at the observatory rather than at a university, so I can live in the Lincoln NF. I work for the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. The "highz" handle means "high redshift" or "high altitude", not that I'm always high...

Now a note for master brew hound. I followed all the DV trip reports and enjoyed them, but realized that I need to see what brewpubs are around for your southern NM trip. In my area there's nothing that I know of. Sad eh? But I found this in Silver City:

Haven't been there or tried any of their brews, so I can't review it for you. I'm afraid I'm not a connoisseur anyway. If you go there, let me know if it's any good.

Maybe Barko1 can chime in on what's good in the Cruces area?
High Desert Brewing on Hadley, off Valley on the N end of Las Cruces. Has been around awhile but hasn't been on my agenda. Seems to get good reviews.
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