"New" one piece, no seam, no screw, camper roof

The word will get out.

Its not really a big secret.

We just don't want our competition stealing any of our new top secret designs.


IMHO bubble gum would work better.
From Stan Above:

"The smooth fiberglass siding is just a thin sheet of fiberglass glued usually to a thin (1/8") wood paneling. I could be totally wrong (and I probably am), but that looks like trouble if it gets wet long term (possibly a little dry rot behind the fiberglass paneling?) or the potential of the fiberglass delaminating from the wood paneling it is glued to? I'm not sure? Maybe neither? Maybe it will never happen. It just didn't look as durable to me. Only my personal opinion though."

This was the biggest problem I had with the Motorhome I used to own. It is, #1 hard to keep ahead of due to the number of seams and joints that require sealing/resealing and yet still "pop" loose on rough roads and #2 a real PAIN to repair. This is why when I could go from a "Full Time" camper back to a recreational camper again one of my criteria in RV selection was removable/repairable siding.

As everyone knows, personal preference is really the only thing that matters. I have to tell you, my Hallmark Milner LX is awesome. Hallmark has had as a standard, a screwless, seamless roof since I believe 2007. Hallmark's roof is made of Carbon Fiber, which is incredibly durable and holds up to walking on it without denting or disfiguring it. It also has three ridge lines running the length of the roof that are thicker than the rest of the roof in order to mount rack systems. It is totally maintenance and leak free. I am not bashing FWC, but the roof was one of the major factors convincing me to choose the Hallmark. I am glad FWC has come up with a seamless, screwless roof as I have seen several posts over the last few years about the leaky roof systems. This will most definitely solve that issue. As far as the smooth sides, I have been on very rough roads and off roads with no issues regarding joints coming loose, as described above. I would guess the joints issue mentioned above could easily be related to workmanship as much as anything. I haven't had as much as a drop of water getting in my Hallmark, even in the heaviest of rains.

Again, my post is not about which is better or worse. I just wanted to share my satisfaction with the carbon fiber seamless roof system and the smooth sides, for those folks that may be in the decision making process. I know how overwhelmed I was when it came time to dropping that kind of coin when buying my camper. I spent nearly three years researching ALL of the major truck camper companies, and made my decision, and couldn't be happier.

I hope this helps someone out there.

Probably better airflow across it also.

Weight the same?
The original roof is not really a problem. Just that its screwed down and given enough years the sealant around the screws will eventually need replacing.
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