New owner - Hydraulic questions

Check my gallery for my fridge install with a copper heat sync and a couple computer great....

venting any combustion to the interior is a real bad refer box is lined with steel and fire extra 15-20 minutes to get out of dodge just in case
Hello again.......Back at the beginning of the posts on this subject I mentioned evaluating the use of flow controls in order to more uniformly raise and lower my cabover top. Before taking that route I tried weighting the back end of the top to achieve a more equal weight on the front and back cylinders. I ended up finding that 80lbs. added to the rear allowed me to raise and lower evenly with only the slightest guidance needed on the rear entry handle. It worked repeatedly with the same result. Prior to this I had cleaned and lubticated the SS guides and made sure there were no screws or pieces interfearing with the lift/lower process.
I realize that no two Alaskans have the same lift characteristics and that my results probably only apply to my camper, but I wanted to pass my findings on in case they would be of help to others.


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