New roof lifting struts installed on 2009 Hawk

STOEF, I have a ATC Bobcat that I carry a canoe similar to yours. I also used the "suspa #40" struts with straight brackets. I have no problem lifting the roof or lowering. Sure makes a difference when the canoe is on. I was able to install them myself. It's pretty easy and straight forward. Check out the thread "roof lifter thingies" there are a lot of posts there with info.

Along with solar, there's always something on the roof...
Thinking about adding struts to my Grandby Shell build as I will be putting sea kayaks and/or a canoe on the racks. I also want to fabricate a rear awning similar to the one now offered by FWC. In reading through the wealth of information on this site regarding exterior installation of the lift struts, I didnt see an example where these are mounted along with the rear awning. Anyone done or seen this? Thanks
What do people think about getting a higher compression (weight bearing) strut and mounting two struts (one in the front and one in the rear) rather then all four? Besides the non symmetrical look do people think this would stress the roof unnecessarily? Just being a cheap-ass....which often isn't cheaper :unsure:
Cheers Jason
I would actually do one on each side opposing. I think it would work great. I personally think 4 is overkill, because I have to jump on top to get mine down, with a solar shower, and solar panel. I know side mounting gives a lot more bang for your lift that f/r.
MakersTeleMark. Do you have four 40# struts? Trying to get a sense what strut I should get if I were to just get two. And if the side mount gives more upward push maybe getting two 60# would be sufficient?? I have a solar panel up top and plan to carry surfboards or a canoe/kayak (at separate times).
I do have 4 40's.

Why not just give it a shot with just 2? You can always buy and install 2 more.
I'm going to do this over the weekend and will post my results. I am thinking about painting the shocks the color of the camper. FWC says to use Rust-Oleum Gloss White Enamel. Has anyone done this? Should blend in pretty well when the top is down.
Just installed my lift assist on Friday (4-40# struts) and tested them out, must say very pleased. Lifted no problem with a roof loaded with three surfboards + solar.
Easy install, thanks to the forum for the advice and questions answered!
I used 4 35# struts from ebay. I have the same canoe as Casa Escarlata and easy to lift. Comes down fine (slight pull from the inside) even when the roof is empty.

Both the front and rear lift much easier and they both come down slowly and softly. I do have a the FWC larger solar panel on the front of my Hawk as well. To lift the back I sit on the couch and just push up. Used to have to put a shoulder under it and struggle. Hated putting it down. I laugh now. I do not know if putting the front strut closer to the lifting board would be better. I thought about it but stayed with putting them in the corner as I did.

The front lift is more of a push as well versus a shoulder struggle. I feel I will be more likely to put the top up at any ole time now. Before once a day was enough.

The Strut your Stuff guy lets you make an offer. I started at $31.00 for the pair to help offset shipping. He took $35. Paid $86.00 for the two pairs including shipping. $23.32 for the 8 brackets from Maxum Hardware including shipping.
Hi - would you mind telling me the exact struts you purchased? I don't know what length or weight would be best and I will have a substantial roof platform mounted, that I'll photograph from. thanks man!
Doing it on the side also. (2004 grandby) Tried 40# then 30# still to much, then 30# but one on each side. does not go down quit even, but works. When I get solar I will go back to 30# on each side.

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