New Service Department Personnel @ FWC


Senior Member
Jun 4, 2007
Woodland, CA
Just a quick note for anyone needing to get a hold of our service department in the near future.

Brenda Cary is no longer working here as our service manager.

She has moved on to bigger and better things, and she will be missed.

: (

For the time being we have Shaw Carston handling most everything in the service department.

His direct e-mail is ...

Our new "general" service department e-mail address is ...

Toll Free (800) 242-1442

If you can't get a hold of Shaw for some reason, you can call and ask for either Terry Budd or Stan Kennedy. We will try and help you out the best we can.

Thanks for your understanding.

Happy Camping !


Thanks Stan. My e-mail from Brenda Friday must have been one of her last ones. Wonder if it is worth anything:) She was great and will be missed. John
I went into FWC yesterday to get my truck set up for the "used" 2015 Hawk I was lucky enough to find and purchase. I was two hours early because the Woodland Les Schwab screwed up the parts order for my Firestone Ride Rites. The crew at FWC took me early and did the work. I was able to talk to the technician who answered a bunch of my questions as I am totally new to this stuff. They have an awesome waiting room where I was able to read the writings of folks who had visited the factory from as far away as Brazil. The staff even looked up my camper and connected me to the record even though it had already been owned twice since it was built in March (long story). In any event, I am so happy with this purchase and look forward to the journey. If you are in Woodland, CA and have an FWC, you should take the time to visit. They are very welcoming. FWC rocks!
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