new use for fwc )-: ambulance


Senior Member
Aug 20, 2008
Southern Appalachians
Working on my new dinette this AM after a physical therapy appt this AM. As I was stepping out something went bad in my back, worse pain I think I have ever had, went to the floor trying to find a position less painful, I'm still there (3 hours later :LOL: )

It is a bit funny but I can't really move much without stabbing pain, but I'm ok otherwise. So I am on a thermarest, can't get to the bed, have a heating pad, took a bunch of vicodin which is not doing a lot, and figure I'll just hang out until it feels like I can move inside. I could I guess call the ambulance but they would drag me out of here in great pain and then probably tell me my back hurts and go home to rest :( Looks like I might get another night in the camper! Hell I have wireless internet, heat, and my daughter is around and getting me lunch, and I have a bottle to pee in! I guess if I don't get any better she can drop the top and drive to the ER. Any suggestions or humor appreciated.
are there beers handy? within reach?

not much of a beer guy usually but maybe now. took 4 vico's :) still can't move. talked to my pt, he said what i thought, go to hospital get drugs, go home. he told me to lay on the stomach but i can't get there yet. 1x i smashed my ankle in DV riding my 650 and the best treatment was a bottle of champaign :LOL: obviously the work on my dinette has stalled but i think it will be nice in spite of my construction incompetence :D
Forget the heating pad, use ice for back pain beside's the lovely vic's, do you have any muscle relaxers?

have a little flexoril, will try that, thanks :)

I'm not sure if I should laugh or cry for you. My first thought was to apply alcohol. but based on the pain killers you are taking, that would be a bad idea. As to the longest time in a FWC without going outside, you get my vote. DD, you have any rewards for this category???
Sounds like you need a good indica and a bong, barko.

Back pain is my specialty. Sounds like you tweeked it and pinched a nerve....and now I can only imagine the WAR your back muscles are having trying to sort it all out.

Hopefully yer feeling better this AM. Don't ferget to add some Senna-Cot to the mix. Those Vicodins and Flexerils are really just CORKS in disguise.

be well

Hey Barko
Hope your feeling better today? If you need to pee, your better off using a
zip lock bag so you don't dribble on your self. My son learned that while at
Philemont Boyscout Reservation in New Mexico.

Hope it helps
I've got to second the ice recommendation, after 20 plus years of back pain which got much worse recently I finally listened to my wife and tried it. Stopped the spasms in 30 minutes and now I'm using it almost daily to help speed up recovery between activities. Vicodin and muscle relaxers will make you more comfortable but only mask the problem not solve it. You've certainly got my sympathy.
We're into the holistic approach. Bags of frozen pees make the best form fitting ice bags. Somehow I can't imagine closing a fluid filled ziplock without some kind of spillage. A liter nalgene bottle with skull and cross bones works for us. Hope you're doing better.
Gotta love back pain. My doc took x-rays, diagnosis=theres nothing wrong. Thanks doc but that doesn't help the pain any. At least I haven't been unable to exit the camper yet. May as well try ice, sure can't hurt.
I think my quest for the world record time spent continuously in a Four Wheel Camper is over. I limped out this am after a mere 19 hours on the floor. Wasn't bad :rolleyes: had 2 thermarests under me, the heater, and a dog. Not sure what went nuts, hip/back/connections between them. Have an appt with my PT Monday am. Got lots to do, finish the dinette, fix the front lift, then go to Utah. I'll take a few pics of the dinette conversion. I can't compete with some of the pro's on this list, you guys are some great craftsman, but I think I found an easy way for a clumsy carpenter to eliminate the unneeded couch, increase storage and have a dinette with a little table for when stuck eating inside or just a place to sit and read or whatever. That for the suggestions, I'll try some cold pack. The meds may have helped in the most acute stage, need to correct the imbalances, my right leg is shorter and that sets everything up for problems. Probably one side of my brain is also a bit short :oops:
Well I managed to get inside but haven't been out of bed, I think it's my hip more than the back Anyone here get their health care through VA? I'm eligible and have an appointment this week.

Interesting thing about MRI's is that they often reveal something that is not normal, may lead to surgery, but too often turns out that what was on the MRI wasn't causing the pain. I'm interested (obviously) in what they think is wrong and what the treatment is.
A friend of mine got an MRI for a fairly non serious reason but luckily it also happened to reveal that he had an anyeurism in his abdomen. That MRI saved his life.

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