new use for fwc )-: ambulance

Camping in the drive way, why not. Saved on gas money. Back pain is a whole other game. Not good..............
Bin der don it.........

A good thing to do is some stretches in the am. first thing. Easier said than done when you are feeling fine.

Can I ask you, did you fine your recovery quicker being in the FWC? If yes, perhaps my wife may ok the purchased of a "new" FWC. Just a thought. Good to hear your on your feet. Life is a whole lot better that way..............
I like muscle relaxants

I think there is a physical therapist on here somewhere?? I went to mine today after taking 10 minutes to get out of bed. The PT was uncomfortable but helped until the end when I started to pass out and had to be put in a wheelchair and covered with cold packs until I came around again, man this sucks. I have an appt with the VA doc tomorrow, hoping they'll get me my meds, $8 no matter what and refills are all online, a nice system. And then more PT. They think I'll be in much better shape by the end of the week. Not sure when I can start cutting the oak plywood and making the dinette again but I'll take some pics. That'll show my 18 hour resting place on the floor, not sure how long the floor is on a Grandby, glad I had removed the round table base! Also glad I saved it as I think I will use it for the dinette set up.
I feel your pain!!! Back in '72 I had a Sailor in a Navy truck run over me on a Navy base. I was a Marine. Guess he hated Marines or was drunk!! :D Anyway it broke my back in 4 places, among other things.

I got a medical discharge and have been on VA care since. It used to be a lot better since the only vets that are retired or service connected injury got to use them. Now it's all vets and the lines are LONG!!

I've had to have two back surgeries since but I opted for a local surgeon rather than having the VA fly me to San Francisco.

Anyway, longtime back pain sufferer here and I agree with ICE!!!! Heat irritates my back more than not. I have a good back brace with a pocket for ice.

Also ask your PT for a list of back exercises. They really do work but you have to do them religiously, everyday. Even if your back does not hurt!!
Got to watch out for sailors, I guess they are by definition inebriated :eek: (I was 4th infantry, sailors were off in a comfy ship when I was sweatin in the jungle :D ). I wen to the local VA today, had made the appt weeks before I really screw it up. The doc was fine, give me a script for flexoril and high dose Ibuprofen, recommended I keep get pain killers from my non VA doc since it is a controlled substance and suggested I stay with the PT I have. I have a 40% VA disability and other insurance and am not sure exactly how VA would cover a non service connected issue, need to check that. I might end up paying the same as I do (20%) with my regular doc. I'm priority#2, 10% more I think I'd get full coverage. But VA as good today, also gave me a shot of an NSAID to reduce overall inflammation, still hurt like hell and haven't got near the camper except to have my kid get my heating pad out. Still hope to head towards Goblin Valley and Capitl Reef in a couple weeks.
Got to watch out for sailors, I guess they are by definition inebriated :eek: (I was 4th infantry, sailors were off in a comfy ship when I was sweatin in the jungle :D ). I wen to the local VA today, had made the appt weeks before I really screw it up. The doc was fine, give me a script for flexoril and high dose Ibuprofen, recommended I keep get pain killers from my non VA doc since it is a controlled substance and suggested I stay with the PT I have. I have a 40% VA disability and other insurance and am not sure exactly how VA would cover a non service connected issue, need to check that. I might end up paying the same as I do (20%) with my regular doc. I'm priority#2, 10% more I think I'd get full coverage. But VA as good today, also gave me a shot of an NSAID to reduce overall inflammation, still hurt like hell and haven't got near the camper except to have my kid get my heating pad out. Still hope to head towards Goblin Valley and Capitl Reef in a couple weeks.

I use the VA for everything and I'm only 20% disabled, prority 3. I have health insurance with 30 dollar copay for Dr visits and 1000 deductable. The VA has never charged me the copay or deductable. I do pay $8 copay each for my drugs. I think a lot of Vets who use the VA do not have insurance. So the VA is plenty happy to get the insurance side without worrying about the copay.

I have never been re evalutaed since '72 and I think I should. A friend of mine just got 80% for a vericose vein!!!! :eek:
That's good to know, I think my insurance is going up another 20% this year so if I could rely on VA that would help me in this retirement. Moving more today and the flexoril seems to help. This time the meds were actually cheaper using the Walmart/Sam's $10 for 3 month generics, hard to beat that.

I use the VA for everything and I'm only 20% disabled, prority 3. I have health insurance with 30 dollar copay for Dr visits and 1000 deductable. The VA has never charged me the copay or deductable. I do pay $8 copay each for my drugs. I think a lot of Vets who use the VA do not have insurance. So the VA is plenty happy to get the insurance side without worrying about the copay.

I have never been re evalutaed since '72 and I think I should. A friend of mine just got 80% for a vericose vein!!!! :eek:
Also ask your PT for a list of back exercises. They really do work but you have to do them religiously, everyday. Even if your back does not hurt!!

Silvertip47 is right on here. Like all the others here, I speak from experience. If you want relief from back pain, get a list of back exercises and do them for the rest of your life.

Barko1, glad you're doing better!
As I have already said, and what ski3pin has said. It has worked for me big time. The problem is when you feel ok you tend to forget about doing the stretch/exercise thing. And is a lot cheaper than drugs.
good luck to ya............
Stretching, ice and if you are a desk jockey like me, never sit on your wallet. Once I started to take my wallet out of my back pocket, my back stopping getting out of whack and easily into spasm. Money=good, wallet=bad!
I'm doing my stretches, if I sleep on my stomach keeping an arch in my back I'm much better off.

Here is a pic of my sleeping quarters


And another, you can see mods in progress. I raised the bed 4" with the 2x3 on the right side wall. There is a much shorter 2x3 on the left side hidden by the counter. I used the oak plywood that someone on this forum suggested. That plywood is also supporting the bed as is a cross piece of plywood (the edge you see). And on the right side, as you look at the bed, there is a brace under the bed that is supported by 4 L brackets, same as it came with. By raising the bed you also end up lengthening it 8 or 10 inches as it is no level with the sides. The plywood piece back in the hole covers two deep cycle batteries that are hooked together, charged by the truck and by a 15w solar panel. It is vented to the outside and I will install hinges that allow that panel to swing up. For now I am mounting the inverter there, will have to bend down to check the voltage and plug in (something I can't do at the moment) . The bed, now 4" higher serves as one seat for the dinette and I do have 4" more of storage all around. The other seat for the dinette will be supported by the 2x3 and more oak plywood that I will box up. Of course the seat will come off to access storage but I may also use a cabinet door for access. I think I will just chop up the current sofa/bed to make the top of the dinette seat. I can't remember the distance between the seats but enough not to bump knees, suggestions welcome. I'll figure out the size and shape of the table later but I am thinking I will use the original mounting post that fits into the round floor mount. At least that mount will no longer be in the middle of the floor but rather will be tucked away out of any traffic pattern. I could even leave the table in place when traveling, haven't deciding on that (I'm too ADD to be actually organized in doing this) but the dogs use that area as a launching pad to the upper bed so I will probably have to keep that option. I had the batteries and inverter in the little "closet" on this end of the couch so there will be more storage in there. Need to get back at it next week or so for my trip to Utah.
Hi Barko,
The mods are looking good! How are the meds working? Will everything be ready for your trip to UT? I'll be out there somewhere . . .
Starting to worry about the trip :mad: My new lifter boards arrived yesterday but they still sit where UPS put them. Getting some nerve symptoms down the leg which may mean a surgical intervention. Trying to get back to the VA doc to get her to order an MRI to try and see what is happening. MRI wasn't really indicated before but now I think so.
Still waiting on my MRI from the VA but I got my back X-rays and the doc announced today that I am old and their ain't sheet I can do about it :mad: General wear and tear leading to arthritis in the lumbar region, PT and time should help the acute problem, keep the exercises up and all that but motocross riding has a ticking clock. Maybe I'll take up fishing :oops:

But I am moving around, PT kind of beat me up some today but a have a routine of vicodin and flexoril that takes the edge off and has allowed my to slowly work on the camper mods. Basically I raised the two sleeping platforms 4" and now the front low bed also serves as a seat for the dinette. I ripped out the frame of the couch/bed and raised it 4" using the oak 3/4" plywood as suggested and that now is the other seat for the dinette. I used the existing table post (relocated of course) and mounts and made the tabletop out of more of my 4x8 sheet of plywood.

Tonight I cut some 15/64 plywood to make new bases for the cushions that will go where the couch/bed was. Instead of what was one long cushion I will have two, one that will be for my butt when I'm sitting at the dinette (facing forward) and the other will cover the gap when the table is down. I wasn't sure I was going to bridge that but my dogs use that area to jump to the cabover bed and it serves as the landing area for them. So for sleeping time I'll take the table down and put the plywood backed cushion back in that spot. Next task is to create the new cushions. I'm going to try to use the material (fabric and foam) from the couch on my newly sized plywood bases, cuz I'm a cheap old retired Scotsman :)
Then a bit of sanding, some trim, stain, and seal, and a test run. Of course I still need to replace the front lifter which I imagine will require some back flexibility. I think it is going to suit my needs, not really giving up anything and getting a better place to eat when stuck inside and some more storage from having raised everything 4". Moral of the story is don't get old and if that can't be managed fix up the camper before your back goes to **** ;)
Glad you posted that pic. That middle piece of wood I assume is there for rigidity but it annoys the heck out me when putting stuff in and out. I think I'll see just how necessary it is. If I really need something a thin rod should work better. Not quite ready to rebuild mine, but sometimes just a minor modification can make life easier.
Funny you should mention the strut across. The box seemed plenty strong but I figured I needed the struts to support the cushion thinking about the forces generated by 60# dogs jumping from the top bed. The strut that was in there in my Grandby was particle board. I broke one of those by inadvertently putting my foot on it. I used the 7 ply 3/4 plywood and placed the struts so that I could access the two storage boxes I put down there without any hinderance. But I put my butt on one and it busted, it was maybe an inch and 1/2. I replaced it with the wider strut. I still think I will have easy access to the boxes.

Today I cannibalized the bench and its' back to make the new cushions. Surely won't win any design awards but cost me 0. Cut plywood to fill the holes (2), Cut the foam from the old cushions (backsaw works great) the cut the old upholstery so I could lay it out and then trim it. Only I side gets covered, ok by me, just hope my crappy staples hold. Next is stain and finish. Weather looks good in Utah for next week............................. :eek:
Time to finish this thread and thanks those who wished a speedy recovery. Last week the back started getting a lot better and i got rid of all the drugs except some ibuprofen. Still have some back issues that PT will address but the paralyzing pain that hit has departed :D I do have a numb lower leg and some weakness still and will get an MRI courtesy of the VA tomorrow. All this cost me a trip to Utah and a couple weeks s.o.l. Now I need to fix my front lifter and plan a trip for June.

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