new versions of the campers...


Mar 4, 2007
Sacramento, Ca
i went over to fwc to pick up a trim ring to fix my slipped-window-in-the-door problem.

wow the new campers have some nice new things!

a roof....with no screws! all one sheet of metal!
a metal hand grip by the door
hinged turnbuckle access port doors
a fancier fridge

the new radius door! wow....with RAIN GUTTERS! TWO of them!

the heater is neat....looks smaller!
I like the new lighter colored wood too.

About the only thing I don't like better is the new design with the smaller propane tank. The new tanks are half you run out quicker. I guess the thinking is that you can carry a spare and know when you are getting low when you have to change it.

I carry an extra full sized tank with the new design.....I'd be changing the tanks twice as often....and I'd have to have 4 of the smaller ones to equal my current capacity.
I like the looks of the new radius door. Looks like a proper door.

How many times have you run out of propane on a trip?

As I write this I'm on a 5 week trip in Colorado. When using the furnace....the large propane bottles last between 9 and 12 days. It just depends on how cold it is.
As I write this I'm on a 5 week trip in Colorado. When using the furnace....the large propane bottles last between 9 and 12 days. It just depends on how cold it is.

A Wave 3 heater supposedly uses 1/2# in 8 hours on high. I'm 24 days into my Newfoundland trip and still have plenty. Some nights I have run the heater all night, early on never used it, and have been boiling a little water and some light cooking. Gauge says 1/4 but that really means 1/2. I probably have another 3 or 4 chilly nights on the way home (heading into Quebec now) and I imagine i'll have enough to last this last week on the road.
About the only thing I don't like better is the new design with the smaller propane tank. The new tanks are half you run out quicker. I guess the thinking is that you can carry a spare and know when you are getting low when you have to change it.

The thinking was some owners like to use a propane grill, lantern, etc. outside of the camper. By having two bottles, it allows one bottle to run the fridge and/or heater inside the camper, while cooking outside off of a separate bottle. At least that's how it was explained to me at the factory...
A Wave 3 heater supposedly uses 1/2# in 8 hours on high. I'm 24 days into my Newfoundland trip and still have plenty. Some nights I have run the heater all night, early on never used it, and have been boiling a little water and some light cooking. Gauge says 1/4 but that really means 1/2. I probably have another 3 or 4 chilly nights on the way home (heading into Quebec now) and I imagine i'll have enough to last this last week on the road.

The Wave 3 uses 1 pound per 8 hours on high.
The thinking was some owners like to use a propane grill, lantern, etc. outside of the camper. By having two bottles, it allows one bottle to run the fridge and/or heater inside the camper, while cooking outside off of a separate bottle. At least that's how it was explained to me at the factory...

I ran a tee off of the main propane line and run my grill off the main bottle. I really like the large sized propane tanks for the greater capacity.
Hello ! First post, but have been "officially" lurking for a bit... XP Marc sent me over to this forum ;) Speaking of new versions of the campers, I am interested in the new Hard Top (hard side) version and would like to know what folks think, has anyone seen one, does anyone have one ? Interested to learn more about them... Thanks !
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