New video on YouTube for the Fleet Model

Here is a link to a new video on the Fleet Model.

Thought I would share in case anyone wants to check it out.





Nice video. Will help me show my friends what a FWC camper is and how it works.
Thats a great looking setup Stan. Looks like I made a good decision on my order ref the choice of a Fleet Shell model. Could you remind your owner that he promised to look into the other issue I had. Thanks Stan
We are having a hard time waiting until mid-August for our new Eagle. I know the wait will be worth it but it's prime camping time now. This video reinforced that we made the right choice. At least we have been putting in our garden now to keep us busy. Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries doing well. Peas, potatoes, beans, squash, lettuce, etc. in the ground, tomatoes in the greenhouse to ripen early. Maybe a trip in our truck sans camper to the Palouse for photos in June to keep us occupied. Then in July, I head for 4 days of music at the Chippewa Valley Rock Festival (Def Leppard, Heart, Cinderella, Avenged Sevenfold, a mix of classic and new), returning to early August and my duties as house photographer at the Mt. Baker Blues Festival (AverageWhite Band, Hamilton Lewis, Matt Schofield, Ana Popovic). Just keep busy to help the days fly by.
I did indeed sign a purchase agreement for a Fleet Shell Model camper with two options. A removable front window, and a screen door. I signed this agreement on May 25th, year 2010. One year later, May 25 year 2011, I still do not have a camper and the dealer and / or FWC still have possession of my $2,500 deposit. Will the dealer and / or FWC step up and do the right thing for their customer? I doubt it. I was told by the dealer on June 7, 2010, that "something would be worked out, and he would let me know" I was told by the owner via email on March 28, year 2011 "I am in the midst of reviewing this situation. I will reply to your queries when I have adequate time to review the given information." To date, I have not heard from ither. One of my efforts from this point forward, will be to poiint out the mistakes I made and educate you, the camping public, so you can avoid finding yourself in my situation. Thanks for reading.
Do you need to do this on a public forum? If nothing else it is way off topic.

I did indeed sign a purchase agreement for a Fleet Shell Model camper with two options. A removable front window, and a screen door. I signed this agreement on May 25th, year 2010. One year later, May 25 year 2011, I still do not have a camper and the dealer and / or FWC still have possession of my $2,500 deposit. Will the dealer and / or FWC step up and do the right thing for their customer? I doubt it. I was told by the dealer on June 7, 2010, that "something would be worked out, and he would let me know" I was told by the owner via email on March 28, year 2011 "I am in the midst of reviewing this situation. I will reply to your queries when I have adequate time to review the given information." To date, I have not heard from ither. One of my efforts from this point forward, will be to poiint out the mistakes I made and educate you, the camping public, so you can avoid finding yourself in my situation. Thanks for reading.
Do you need to do this on a public forum? If nothing else it is way off topic.

My apologies Mr Hadley, I didn't think it was off topic, since I thought and think that the Fleet is a great camper, and it was the one I chose to purchase. I would think most consumers would want to know of any problems or issues that they may encounter. The FWC folks, in general, are a good company in my opiniion, I can't say the same for the dealer they recommended for me to purchase my camper. But I will begin my own thread, only listing the mistakes I made, so others may benifit from my experiences, and hopefully learn what not to do when making a purchase. Again, sorry, but if it were your $2,500 you might feel differently.
My apologies Mr Hadley, I didn't think it was off topic, since I thought and think that the Fleet is a great camper, and it was the one I chose to purchase. I would think most consumers would want to know of any problems or issues that they may encounter. The FWC folks, in general, are a good company in my opiniion, I can't say the same for the dealer they recommended for me to purchase my camper. But I will begin my own thread, only listing the mistakes I made, so others may benifit from my experiences, and hopefully learn what not to do when making a purchase. Again, sorry, but if it were your $2,500 you might feel differently.

Hi jfb,

I fully support your post and don't understand why anyone would be upset with it. You were merely posting what has transpired during your buying experience. After all, you were not attacking anyone personally, just pointing out your frustrations (well deserved, by the way) about the delivery date. When it comes to my money, any and all comments good or bad are very valuable when making decisions of this magnitude. For those folks that don't like your honesty they, like myself can choose to disregard the post or use it as a tool when making a decision to purchase a camper. Buying a camper involves a heck of a lot more than just the camper and the price alone.

Again, I think you were perfectly in line with your post.

Good Camping!

Hi jfb,

I fully support your post and don't understand why anyone would be upset with it. You were merely posting what has transpired during your buying experience. After all, you were not attacking anyone personally, just pointing out your frustrations (well deserved, by the way) about the delivery date. When it comes to my money, any and all comments good or bad are very valuable when making decisions of this magnitude. For those folks that don't like your honesty they, like myself can choose to disregard the post or use it as a tool when making a decision to purchase a camper. Buying a camper involves a heck of a lot more than just the camper and the price alone.

Again, I think you were perfectly in line with your post.

Good Camping!


Hi Paul,

If jfb has some information to tell the general public then I have no problem with him starting a thread and discussing his situation. In fact I would encourage it.

What I found annoying was the hijack of this thread and the same thread on ExPo (his posts had nothing to do with the uTube video).

Also, if he would come out and tell us what the problem was, instead of hinting about a problem to Stan and us, that would be more informational. Personally I would like to know what dealer he had problems with.
Hi jfb,

I fully support your post and don't understand why anyone would be upset with it. You were merely posting what has transpired during your buying experience. After all, you were not attacking anyone personally, just pointing out your frustrations (well deserved, by the way) about the delivery date. When it comes to my money, any and all comments good or bad are very valuable when making decisions of this magnitude. For those folks that don't like your honesty they, like myself can choose to disregard the post or use it as a tool when making a decision to purchase a camper. Buying a camper involves a heck of a lot more than just the camper and the price alone.

Again, I think you were perfectly in line with your post.

Good Camping!

Thanks Paul, for that voice of suport, it is appreciated. The Uniform Commercial Code, that governs contracts and purchase agreements in North Carolina is pretty clear. It states that neither the buyer nor the seller can change the terms of an agreement. It also states that there has to be "good faith intent " of the parties involved. This issue arose because the seller demanded full payment in advance for the camper claiming it was a special ordered modified and custom unit that required payment in advance. The buyer signed an agreement for a standard Fleet Shell model with two accessories. The buyers agreement that said final payment is due within 10 days of final delivery of the here we are at this impass, no camper and they have my deposit. I am only expectiong what is due me, ither a camper, or the full return of my deposit

That said..back to Stan's topic. The Fleet is a nice camper Stan

Thanks for the e-mail you sent earlier this week with your contact information.

I have been out of the office since Wednesday, but did have time to shoot Mike and e-mail in North Carolina before I left so he is also in the loop of things.

I don't have access to all of our e-mails (at home right now) so I can't remember how you and Mike left off last year?

The last I heard from Mike (this time last year) you were canceling the order and you and Mike were going to work out some sort of deposit return (not sure on the amount you guys discussed) ?

That was the last I heard anything about it from you or Mike for almost 9 or 10 months ?

Then you contacted us again earlier this year, and Tom (the owner here) talked briefly to Mike to try and get you two together to work an arrangement out.

We (FWC) didn't take a deposit from you.

FWC is more than happy to build you a camper.

Mike also e-mailed me and said he would be happy to restart the conversations to get something worked out for you.

Can you please call or e-mail Mike in NC to get your order finalized and let him know if anything on the order has changed from last year ?

We want happy customers.

We want to build and sell campers.


Because we didn't hear from you or Mike about the camper for 8 or 9 months we just thought things were canceled and resolved.

Thanks so much.


I need your help if I could ask? Could you email or fax me a copy of the original dealer order to FWC for my camper. Per the email from your dealer, " the camper has been ordered and put into the production line " Yet, FWC seems to not be aware of the order at all?.. yet there must have been an order, for the camper be placed into the production line, and then canceled? Is that correct?
Your help is appreicated.
It's been awhile.

Let me dig back into the files from last year and Mikes orders when I have a free moment.

I will e-mail you once I find something out.




I need your help if I could ask? Could you email or fax me a copy of the original dealer order to FWC for my camper. Per the email from your dealer, " the camper has been ordered and put into the production line " Yet, FWC seems to not be aware of the order at all?.. yet there must have been an order, for the camper be placed into the production line, and then canceled? Is that correct?
Your help is appreicated.

John, I am sure you remember (last year)sending me an Email to cancel your camper order. We did cancel it per your request. We did get another Email from you a few weeks ago, wanting to order it again, We are more than willing to order this unit for you again. We are waiting your visit to finalize the order, just like I stated on your voice mail. Please have your choices made and make sure you are happy with them, we can't change the options once you order the unit.
In keeping with the forum etiquette, I will not respond directly to the above comments. I will make a general comment, that as a customer, who's order and $2,500 deposit are in dispute as a result of the cancled order, I believe I have the right to have a copy of the original order, it as it came from the dealer to the manufacturer., was put into production, and then cancled. I will send the manufacturer a certified letter to request those copies. I made many mistakes during the order of my camper, most were poor judgement on my part, by not reading and understanding the implications of the fine print, and I have no disire to repete any of them again. Thanks
Just a reminder to Stan, that it has now been a month since I asked to have a copy of my camper order from the dealer to FWC.
It would seem that if the camper was ordered, placed into production, and then cancled, per the dealers email to me, that FWC would have that record.
All I am asking is a copy of that record. The Olive Branch offered by the dealer above, had SOS when I got to the end of the stick. I signed an agreement that said " upon arivial to dealership, final payment due within 10 days and must clear (name of dealer) bank account prior to final delivery of camper " When the dealer demanded full payment prior to the camper leaving the factory, that is a breach in the terms of purchase, and according to North Carolina law, and the North Carolina Attorney Generals office, is not legal. The dealer is simply trying to illegally retain my deposit. Just for the record, I have never sent an email "asking to order it again". I have asked numerous times for the right thing to be done. Thanks
Hello JFB

I'm so sorry things are going the way they are.

I feel trapped in the middle of a situation that I have no control over.


I can control most anything here at the factory, but I have no control over what our dealers do. They are independent sales locations.

You won't call the dealer. He won't e-mail you. Until you guys talk it through, I don't know what else can be done to help ?

I will be out of the office on the road until Tuesday of next week.

When I return, I will see what I can dig out from the files for the original order sheet.

But whatever you and Mike had worked out for the deposit details / payment details, would be unfortunately up to you guys to work out. I don't know what you signed with him ? We don't see dealer to customer paperwork, because each dealer has different ordering details and payment terms.

I wish I had a magic wand to make things right so you were not unhappy.

We want happy customers.

Talk to you next week.

FWC could certainly say to this dealer " make this customer whole with his deposit, or you will no longer represent our products ". But we know that won't happen. So, here is my advice for your customers on the East Coast. Use eXtreme caution if you are going to sign an agreement to purchase a truck camper in North Carolina. Read and understand the implications of the very fine print, or you can get surprised after your deposit check clears, as I did. My main mistake was signing the agreement at all, but my biggest mistake was simply this..failing to put the words "balance of (amount) due at final delivery " on my check. Those simple words on a deposit check will render the fine print agreement harmless. Thanks
FWC could certainly say to this dealer " make this customer whole with his deposit, or you will no longer represent our products ". But we know that won't happen. So, here is my advice for your customers on the East Coast. Use eXtreme caution if you are going to sign an agreement to purchase a truck camper in North Carolina. Read and understand the implications of the very fine print, or you can get surprised after your deposit check clears, as I did. My main mistake was signing the agreement at all, but my biggest mistake was simply this..failing to put the words "balance of (amount) due at final delivery " on my check. Those simple words on a deposit check will render the fine print agreement harmless. Thanks

John, not sure if your getting my VM, But we are waiting for you to come finalize your order in person, we will apply your deposit, and preserve last years price on the model of camper, I am even willing to charge only Half of the current freight fee for you. We are here to help and want happy customers. It is your choice, buy the camper you want, or abandon the order peacefully
Per the email from the dealer to me dated June 3, 2010 "Order has been canceled."
I have no intention of abandoning my $2,500 deposit, 50% or otherwise, as it was the seller who changed the terms of purchase.
I find it unusual that I got no positive response from ither the manufacturer, or the dealer, for the past 14 months. That sure makes for happy customers doesn't it. I will be happy to abandon upon the return of my deposit in full. Thanks
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