Newer VS older CO's weights?


Advanced Member
Sep 12, 2016
NW Oregon
Does anyone know if the mid 70's CO's weigh in similar to the newer models? or are they kind of like the older NCO's and weigh a little less? I see a mid 70's 10' CO in my area for sale, and was wondering on the weight. Thanks in advance!
If you have a 3/4 ton truck you should be OK. I'm not sure of the weight but that's the way to go.
This picture shows the weights for CO and NCO's from 1981 - the 70's should be similar.
This message is a couple of months old, but I figured I would add some data. I just bought a 1977 CO with the original fridge, "cata-lytic" heater, range, side dinette, and canoe overhead brackets. I weighed my truck with it on and then with it empty the next day. It had an empty 20 gallon propane tank, a single 12v storage battery, eight 2"x6"x8' boards (under for lifting up), and two 2"x6"x4' boards up front. The tare difference was exactly 1700 pounds. Empty water tank as well. I had brophy clamp mounts as well.

Given weight of accessories, corner brackets, boards, and brackets, I think that puts it pretty close to the ideal weight of 1440 pounds noted above, plus 40 years of water absorption. Though it is in pretty fair shape...
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