'no destination' winter travels

hoyden - I am living vicariously thru you - I wish I could sell it all and go on the road with my dogs and GF. Glad to see you are making the leap. Enjoy

PS - we did Baja last year for 5 weeks it was safe, the people were wonderful, travel was easy - and we had a blast.
Thanks all! I just purchased a bonafide webhost (hostgator) and am moving from my free wordpress squatting.
This way, I can add all sorts of fancy things like plug-ins etc.
I'm going to try my hand at v-logging too, I think. Create a youtube channel and all that. I'd like to, but we'll see how I actually do :)

One of my coworkers and one of the EVS guys that comes in to the Tech Room daily for our trashes got all teary at me at work today.
There are good people there, for certain, and I will miss them. And while I'm still cold-footed, I'm feeling a bit more surety each day.
BTW, welcome to the 'retired' group (or semi-retired)! I retired about 6 years ago. Even that was scary at first but alas, the best days are ahead and when you wake up and don't know what day of the week it is, you have arrived! :)

I used to spend a lot of time in Baja when I lived in San Diego; maybe once a month or two to go surfing. That was a while ago but if you can get through TJ and down far enough you'd get out of the iffy section (TJ) and even then, I used to go down to TJ shopping, etc. Never any issues. Lots of stories, but no issues.
kmcintyre said:
Even that was scary at first but alas, the best days are ahead and when you wake up and don't know what day of the week it is, you have arrived! :)
Asking my (non retired) wife which Saturday of the week it was did not further our relationship. :)

The downside is that you can no longer get a day off and I now don't look forward to weekends like before. ;)

"...when you wake up and don't know what day of the week it is"

when I took my month trip last month (Oct) one of the things I craved was not knowing what day of the week it was!
Hello there hoyden happy for you and your companions. Someone posted up earlier about smiling, I realized while reading this- I was smiling! Would never know if you like the adventure before you, unless got on board.

Will look and read your posts to come!
hoyden said:
"...when you wake up and don't know what day of the week it is"

when I took my month trip last month (Oct) one of the things I craved was not knowing what day of the week it was!
Ha Ha! When I worked, I never wore a watch. Calenders, clocks, computers everywhere didn't need one. After retirement, I quickly found I needed to think about it to know what day of the week it was, except the weekends when my wife was home. Now, I wear a watch everyday. Never know when I need to put the (correct) date on a campground tag :)

Good Luck with your travels, I'm pretty sure you'll do very well!
hoyden said:
Thanks all! I just purchased a bonafide webhost (hostgator) and am moving from my free wordpress squatting.
This way, I can add all sorts of fancy things like plug-ins etc.
I'm going to try my hand at v-logging too, I think. Create a youtube channel and all that. I'd like to, but we'll see how I actually do :)

One of my coworkers and one of the EVS guys that comes in to the Tech Room daily for our trashes got all teary at me at work today.
There are good people there, for certain, and I will miss them. And while I'm still cold-footed, I'm feeling a bit more surety each day.
Don't forget to give WtW groupies free access :) to your reports, etc.
You all are awesome!

My trepidations have mostly turned to "I have a lot of /stuff/ to get rid of! Eep!"
But every time someone at work asks me about it, a big smile breaks out on my face without my trying.
That's a good sign ;-)

Bossman told me to work as much OT as I can til I leave, so I'm getting in some hours this weekend. Woot!

Foy: I really like "Lady Bug"! :D

Website is still in process of transfer. Hopefully, all my stuff follows so that I don't have to rebuild it.
Do-able, but not how I'd rather spend my time.
We are creatures of habit which only suppress us. We get up look out the same window everyday see the same views drive the same roads go to the same job see the same people have the same conversations dream the same dreams and we do this over and over for 20 some years and then were afraid when its time to step away from it. So don't look back and don't be afraid for the open roads await you. safe travels.
ready2roam : thank you!

Your comment, as well as a friend on facebook, reminded me of this quote:

"Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat." ~Teddy Roosevelt

and Foy pointed out to me that my subname is now "Lady Bug" Yay! :-D

~ Dawn Ladybug Hoyden :D
hoyden said:
and Foy pointed out to me that my subname is now "Lady Bug" Yay! :-D

~ Dawn Ladybug Hoyden :D
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