No Need To Miss Burning Man

Sure would be cool if they could get the video link working... at least my impression from the small bit of time that I've tried to watch. Guess it is a beta preview. I'll be patient.
We've got a friend who is already there, as part of the gate check in team.
Yesterday was a white out, playa blizzard. Fun stuff!
Yeah, I normally dial in a live stream during the show. Last couple of years it's been via Ustream, I think. This (faulty) YouTube is all I've seen thus far this year. I did see a pair of news media videos of the dust storm on Saturday. Hate that I missed that live and in person.

As much as I enjoy a people-watching spectacle, and I really do, I think I'll be content to watch Burning Man from my desk or at home on my laptop. I'm too far into advanced geezerdom to drive 2,700 miles to jump into the middle of all that.

I checked and Ustream isn't doing it this year. I usually watch the man burn while sitting in a nice air conditioned pub. In my younger days I'd have probably been more interested in attending.
ski3pin said:
................................ Somehow, I think it will
Maybe I'm wrong on this. Maybe they are too busy setting everything up.

This is the same youtube the main burning man website directs me to.
Should have a FWC rally there some time. I have friends who are trying to get in, they were 40 miles out and already in traffic (stop and go). They could have just went to Los Angeles if they wanted that although the "scenery" isn't as good.
The "beta" linked initially now appears to be a smoothly running feed.

This is like a slow-motion train wreck--I can't look away. I wouldn't get into the middle of that for all the tea in China, but it amuses the heck out of me!

Foy said:

This is like a slow-motion train wreck--I can't look away. I wouldn't get into the middle of that for all the tea in China, but it amuses the heck out of me!

well said Mr. Foy. :)
Wandering Sagebrush said:
What? I'm shocked! Shocked I tell you! Not wanting to spend time on the playa with 70,000 of your best friends? Unbelievable!
Hey throw in sand storms, red flag warnings and lake advisory winds and what more could you want for a fun day with your friends :p ? Forgot supposed to drop into the 30's at night and 70's during the day; my, my and all with no clothes ;) !

As we traveled north on 395 on the east side today, we got a kick out of noticing how easy it was to spot what vehicles were returning from The Burn. About every fourth or fifth was completely covered in thick dust. One Volvo station wagon was pulling an open utility trailer packed full of camping supplies. We hope The Burn was worth all the cleanup that was going to take!
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