NW Oregon Coast Mountains

Appologize not! I for one both liked and appreciated your overnighter to the coast range. It's more than I seem to pull off these days. Oregon has loads of dispersed camping spots both west, east as well as in the Cascades. While many on here may have more "spectacular" I'll bet a lot wish their stuff is as easily accessable as ours. In addition it doesn't take me long to appreciate our bottle bill once I enter another state either.

The key I think is to enjoy what you got, where you're at with what you have. Luckily most on here seem to do a good job of that.

Again thanks for your submission.
Very nice. I have a spot much like that. No fires though. Here it was like "okay, dry enough to open the dirt roads, pause, okay too dry for campfires. Small window this year.
Nice report.I haven't camped in the coast range of Oregon just along the coast.Will have to try your mountains ,looks like a peaceful place,even with all the clear cut forest.
Thanks Frank
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