Off To A Real Good Start

the fisherman

Big Time
Dec 12, 2007
Like a fool I talked my sometimes deck hand,( only works crabs in the winter,surfs the rest of the time, brain located in his pants) Galean to buy Inspectorlances camper, he calls Lance, they work it out, I go to Seattle for boat business, and while I'm there I have some spare time I look at a couple of travel trailers, I end up buying one with a "few problems" but I'm there with a renta car, can't bring the trailer home, no problem, Galean can pull the thing home when he goes to get the camper. I come home, I ask the kid, when are you going to get the camper? Tomorrow, he says, I tell him about the trailer, he says no problem. Tomorrow rolls around, and he says he's not ready. That night he shows up at my house, Got a problem,"I was supposed to sell my truck today, and the guy didn't show up" Does that mean you are short of cash to buy the camper, I ask, "well yeah' he says, I ask, how much short, he says 3900.00. S#%t, that's how much he's asking, you dumb f*%# you can't buy stuff without money. Then I start thinking about that trailer I never should of bought, man I don't want to drive back to Washington, gees' I'm thinking to myself, he's got me. So I lend him the money for the camper. He left yesterday, calls me on his cell phone from somewhere on I5, and asks me how far it is to where he's going, I tell him it's about 12 or 13 hours, he says no s#%t, I thought it was only 6 or 7. Well the toots finally made it late this afternoon, he had to stop at emergency vet because he thought his dog sallowed a golf ball he had in the cab of truck, turns out the dog was car sick. So he finally gets there late today, picks up the camper , and goes for the trailer. I call him on his cell phone, no answer, a minute or two later my phone rings, It's Galean, "got a problem, I locked my keys in my truck, and no body will come without a credit card" Jesus this is nuts, who do I have to call? Take care of that problem, he's on his way, about two hours later the phone rings, guess who, " we got a problem, flat tire on the trailer, no jack, I can't change it, I can't get help without a credit card". Man the pain, am I going to live through this? I ask, get the tire problem taken care of and he's back on his way. I'm just sittin' in my chair thinking why did I do any of this, I must be nuts, when the phone rings, I hesitate, should I answer, no, don't, but what if somebodys hurt or on the floor and can't get up. So I picked it up, it's you know who,"you won't believe what just happened, I got pulled over for talking on my cell phone, and for going 75 in a 55 zone and the cop had a real attitude" I pointed that he was towing a trailer that has some potential tire issues, and that he might want to slow down just a little bit, I unplugged my phone, I'm going to bed, I can't wait for tomorrow.
Whaaaa? No broken bones? :eek:

I hope the rest of the journey is uneventful.... but somehow I'm doubtin' it.

Camper And Travel Trailer Update

It's Friday night, and this chapter of the camper and travel trailer chronicles appear to have come to a succesful conclusion, at least I think they have. It's raining real hard in Whitethorn today, 4 1/2 inches in the last 24hrs. But it looks like the trailer the camper and the dog made it in one piece, but it's dark, so there still could be problems, will check in the morning, I'll let you know if anything worth while pops up, will post pics. tomorrow. Man I'm glad that one's over, I'm too old for this s#%t anymore.
at some point in our lives we all have our Galeans.
it is surely unavoidable.
but what would we do without deckhands?
Good job from Home base.:thumb:
At least you were not co pilot.Hopefully G man gives you your cabbage back someday:eek:

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