Older NCO weights


Advanced Member
Sep 12, 2016
NW Oregon
Hello all!, I have been lurking for several months, and have searched for info on NCO Alaskans (older ones). Can you who know, post on this thread the year, length, and approximate dry weight of your NCO Alaskan. This will help me zero in my search for a used option for my intended application. I know that Bryan has some good info on current production models and weights, It seems that some of the older ones are lighter, as they don't sport all the bells and whistles of the newer production ones. I want to see how they compare in real numbers. Thanks all for your help!! I really like the Alaskan campers, and in the end, I may go new, currently I am thinking seriously of finding a good used one and either my own retrofit/refurb or possibly a factory refurb, as I know that they do an excellent job of that too at the factory shop.
Welcome Karsonb....

mine...a 1970 10' non cab over
dry weight...1780#
wet and loaded for fishing...2080#

you'll find most will fall between 1500-2000# dry and will "wet out" around 1800-2200#

repairs, wood risers for new cab heights, and reico jacks account for most of the weight

I totally expect the CO I'm working on to be on the top of that range...due to the new riser and reico THD's

good luck on your search
Trust Rusty, he knows, my 67 8' NCO most likely started at the 1500 mark with a top burner stove and fridge, BUT, in rebuilding I have added about 100 LBS. to the roof using solid fir and Oak and building a thicker frame, another 100 will be added to the bottom section, full roof rack ETC. ETC. so I think I will be closer to 1900-2000 when done. If your looking for an Alaskan weight should not be a factor. :unsure:
I posted a couple of spec sheets in the gallery and the one from 1993 shows prices and weights.

The one from 1981 just shows weights
Excellent info, thank you very much Gents! I did get a reply on a query to Bryan Wheat on older NCO weights, from the factory he said that they were in the 1200-1500 lb range. Another question I have about the NCO's is sleep accomodations, How many adults? is it a 2 person afair? How do they fit in newer trucks? I just purchased an '08 F-150 and with Timbrens and E rated tires, I will be good on carrying ability, just wondering about box side wall clearance and such. It looks as though I may need to affix some 2x4 or 2x6 "shims" under the floor of the camper to get it to clear comfortably with the bed sidwalls of the truck. Thanks again!
2 persons....and there was a hammock option for children....not very effective for quality sleep

the rear box out under the refer in the older models is too wide for the newer trucks...typical width reduction is 2.5" - 3"...the body width between the wheel wells is ok...but does nicely with a 1.5" shim along it's length for a snug fit

take a look at this thread

Rusty, thanks for the link to the other thread. I read through it, and your cautions are noted. I looked up my GVW and Axle limits, Ford publishes the cargo cap of my rig at 1940 lbs. With Timbrens and E rated tires I should be able to safely go a little over that. I am going to look for an older NCO or maybe an older 8 ft CO, then lighten things up by removing some of the heavy items and retrofitting with lighter gear. I am confident that I can get something to fall in the 1300-1500 lb range then it leaves me a little wiggle room for gear and such. I am enhancing the engine/drive output to compensate for more work as well. I don't plan on going long distances with the camper, just short hauls, and quick trips. I will start a new thread to chronicle my development as it comes together for others to draw on.
Can anyone speak to the differences in wind resistance going down the road of the C/O models vs NCO's?
By design a cab over should have less resistance as a smaller surface is being met, an NCO has the arrow dynamics of a bumble bee. A flat surface for the wind to hit and either go over the top or down and then out the sides.
the raised heights from the top of the cab are about the same....but the CO has the advantage of "windsheild lift". The direct impact of the wind is lessened....there is, however an eddy current formed under the CO and the top of the cab....

several members on other boards of WTW have designed wind deflectors which continue the windshield effect up even higher....probably a good idea for those of us with crew cabs and an extended distance between the windshield and the front edge of the CO

The NCO only has about 10" of additional height from the cab.....cross country trips with and without the NCO have negligible differences...I get 17-19 mpg with or without on a 7.3 liter diesel....even towing a boat
Thanks Rusty for the input on this question. I was forming the opinion that the NCO was possibly a little easier on the fuel economy from what I have been able to glean from the WWW as well. Your input goes right along with others who have made passing coments on the 2 style options. I think I will hone my search in on a used NCO, probably a 10'. With the engine performance enhancements, Tire upgrade to "E" class, and the timbrens, I should be good for weekend get aways. If I was going on extended long term outings often, I would consider a 3/4 ton upgade, but I am confident that my 08 F-150n with a 1940 lbs rated cargo capacity as a stock rig, should be able to handle my intended purposes with the mods I have incorporated. Most of the time it will be no camper and a commuter to/from work, and the hauling job associated with my tree farm and saw milling on the side. One more inquiry to you guys is modding for the newer trucks, what is the best way to go about it? just block up the floor under the camper to clear the higher side dimension of the truck box? Also what jack upgrades are suggested so one can possibly use the camper off the truck?
1...using an older Alaskan while off the truck is a losing proposition...the floors are held on by itsy bitsy little tiny nails...and if they used glue it was water soluble. Most Campers were bolted in the trucks and left there. there have been cases of Alaskan purchases made...takes it home and removes it from the truck, leaves it overnight in the barn and the floor falls off overnight....ugly

The jacks I use are Atwood tripods much like the Reico Titan....the new CO has a set of Reico THD tripods w/extensions....there have been a couple guys adapt the reico brackets to a vertical electric jack so you can do it automatically..really cool setups...not there yet

as far as mods needed for the bed...the popout at the rear passenger side needs to be reduced by 2.5"...not a bad job at all...a little framing...moving a hydraulic line and possibly adjusting some electrical that may have been modified before...after work a few nights

for CO's a riser must be installed to clear the cab height...4-4.5" high...Alaskan uses 4"
thanks for the heads up Rusty! You must have been in and around these things for some time. I will keep my eye out for a good used one. I know when the time is right one will come up. There seem to be quite a few in the PNW. Depending on time, I may do the retrofits myself, or possibly take it for a factory refurb if that is feasible and I don't have time to do it myself.

the 10' NCO we are using was purchased new..by my grandmother.....in 1970 .....and I'm 71

She and my grandfather bought an 8' NCO in 1969, traveled the southwest for a year and came home to turn it in for a 10'NCO...the one we have
That 10' in your avatar pic is one nice looking camper! Thanks for all the sage advice and information. You guys are great!
Well, back on the forum after a bit of a hiatus. In my travels (work) I found an 8’ NCO in sou5western BC Canadá. Going to go and seal the deal in a few weeks, it looks like a decent one, and pretty easy on the pocket book at $2k Canadian. I will get some pics and info up on it when I have it on my pickup. It is a 1970. Icebox, and wardrobe, stove, no oven. From the for sale pics, I see no signs of water staining on the Interior wood, will fill you all in when I get my hands on it. Kind of excited.
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