Otero Mesa

Very nice, we enjoyed it a lot. It is so much fun to see new areas we are unfamiliar with. Thanks and retirement is looking good for you!
:LOL:Nice trip Highz, good pictures. Hey while ACEC's can sometimes be a stopper, thank god we have them-even if we designated them sometimes to late, but that's better than never I guess. We used to argue all the time on whether designating some neat place, plant, area, or ark site was good or bad for the resource. If you do they are protected (legally anyway) and can spend the $ or what ever to do what you need out there, but then the bad guys can find them easier, but if you don't, they still get destroyed by that 10% who don't care or at best don't know. You can't win I guess, but at least we try so they will still exist for others to enjoy!

There's supposed to be a cave with the walls covered with petroglyphs in that ACEC. I'll just have to go back with a permit, and call the rancher, like the sign says.
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