Overland Expo 2016 - my short write-up. with pics! :-)


Lady Bug
Aug 16, 2015
Carbondale, IL
There is something to adventure traveling that brings people who normally seek solitude to a large group gathering such as the Overland Expo at Mormon Lake, Arizona. We share stories, validate our experiences, learn new tricks and tips. It is a recharging, of sorts, and it's just plain fun to see the crazy overlanding vehicles that attend the Overland Expo.


Pugsly and I left early Thursday morning to drive the couple of hours up to Mormon Lake, Az. She wasn't too excited about this.


When we arrived, the volunteer camping area was across the road from the main event areas. It was a beautiful spot up in the woodsy area. Not great for my solar collecting, but listening to the wind in the trees after dark while lying in bed was worth conserving my power usage.


The Expo was spread out over what looks like a large area, but is very walk-able. That said, next year I'm definitely bringing my little dual-sport motorcycle or a bicycle. Or both. It was a bit of a hike to get to the entrance, then a lot of walking within the event itself. Do-able, but my feet were not happy, especially after four hours standing up checking people in at HQ each morning. When I was here a few years ago, I had my motorcycle (DR350) so the foot-ow was a non-issue. Oops.


This year, I volunteered to help out. The benefit was that I got to "audit" the presentations, movies, and hands-on part of the event (except that I didn't do any of that) and camp for free. I volunteered to be part of the First Aid tent. With my EMT training, and continued CPR/First Aid certifications, I qualified. However, at the last-minute, I was moved to "HQ" to check people into the event.
That was barely managed chaos. Which, luckily, I thrive working in. :)


One of the big highlights of my trip was getting to meet and visit with Tom Hanagan - the owner of Four Wheel Campers (FWC). Out of all the amazing adventurers I met, and sights I saw, it might seem odd that meeting the guy who runs a company of the camper I own was a highlight. But this little camper is my part-time home, it is what helps to keep me sane in this messed up world, it enables me to escape the day-to-day doldrums. This soft-spoken man is inventive, innovative, and has created a family-like community around these truck campers.


I was lucky to have spent some quality time with Tom. We talked business, campers, and aesthetic philosophies. We discussed getting older and meditated on ideas of 'time'. He and his generous crew fed the lot of us - and there were a lot of us! FWC invited their customers to camp with them. I don't have a photo of their spot, but at the FWC booth was the display models, a large tent / gathering area, and many FWC campers set up. We all spent a fair amount of time lounging and swapping stories in camp chairs in-between the truck campers. I got to tour some of the other same-model campers and see what all folks have modified or changed.

It's always difficult to do everything you want at this kind of event. I was lucky to be able to spend time with my friend, and Guinness Book of World Record holder, Danell Lynn.


(I didn't take this pic)

I love touting friends' accomplishments!

She is about to embark upon another incredible adventure with a couple of other adventurers. The trip is called "Expedition Electric" and they are riding electric motorcycles from northernmost Alaska to the tippy tip of South America! WHOA!


Danell and I went to check out the team's digs. After having ridden 50+ thousand miles around the U.S. alone on her motorcycle, she was child-like excited to have a kitchen that will be traveling with them.


Pugsly wasn't too happy that I left her in the camper for so many hours alone while I was off gallivanting around doing volunteering and visiting with friends, but she and I got some lovely time together in the woods. It was very cool (chilly, even) this weekend and breezy to the point of knocking over large group tents!


(this is quite possibly my favorite photo from the weekend)

The sun felt so good during that chilly weekend, that we (I) took a little nap on the forest floor.
Pugsly only sneezed on my face a few times.


I had the intention of buying at least a couple of things I wanted for my camper and truck. I ended up only buying three things while I was there: a delicious falafel from one of the food trucks, an Overland Expo hat (windy!) and some traction aids. I'd been eyeballing MaxTraxx, which seem to be the adventurer's choice of 'get out of muck' tools. But they cost $300+.

I found this small company's tent and stopped to chat with the nice couple hosting. Turned out, the young man's father invented "Go Treads" and he was carrying on the family business. I sent this photo and a text to a friend of mine who off-roads often and he replied that they looked great, get good reviews, and look like a solid product. $80 got me two sets.


They are light-weight and fold up small and model for blurry photos.
I now feel much more confident about off-roading in muddy, sandy, or snowy areas!


After a bit too much partying on Saturday night at a couple of campsite parties, post-my last volunteer shift, and fighting a pervasive headache... Pugsly and I headed out early Sunday afternoon to go back home.
Molly and I enjoyed meeting you and spending time chatting at the FWC camp!
We look forward to seeing you again out on the trail.
Captm said:
Molly and I enjoyed meeting you and spending time chatting at the FWC camp!
We look forward to seeing you again out on the trail.
It was great meeting you both as well!
Safe and happy travels, and see you down the road!
"............................It was a beautiful spot up in the woodsy area. Not great for my solar collecting, but listening to the wind in the trees after dark while lying in bed was worth conserving my power usage."

Our favorite part of your story. :)

Glad you had a nice time and thanks for your report.
ski3pin said:
"............................It was a beautiful spot up in the woodsy area. Not great for my solar collecting, but listening to the wind in the trees after dark while lying in bed was worth conserving my power usage."

Our favorite part of your story. :)

Glad you had a nice time and thanks for your report.
There is something special about the sound of wind in the tree tops.
As nice as the soft footsteps of a light rain on the rooftop....
Cayuse said:
Great photos and report! Bummer about the wind but at least it didn't snow!
SO glad it didn't snow! The wind had some moments of bravado, but mostly it was just windy. :)
I got a hat!
Stalking Light said:
It was nice meeting you, Dawn, as well as the other folks camped in the FWC booth. A great time.
Great to meet you too! Wish we'd all had more time to chat. Next time!
takesiteasy said:
I enjoyed your report and photos. Thanks for posting it. Those traction aids look interesting.
Thanks! I'll post up if / when I have to use them (hopefully not any time soon!)
Hated missing the event this year. We are like minds. We each have a spoiled dog, Toyota with FWC and a DR350! Maybe Petey and I will cross paths with you out on the trail one day.

Thanks for posting......
park said:
Hated missing the event this year. We are like minds. We each have a spoiled dog, Toyota with FWC and a DR350! Maybe Petey and I will cross paths with you out on the trail one day.

Thanks for posting......
Hi there!

I've been following your travels on your blog! Fantastic!
It'd be great to meet Petey (and you) :D

Happyjax said:
Very nice trip report. Pugsly is adorable :)

Pugsly was a stray a few years ago. I spent over a month trying to find her people, but nuthin'. I didn't want to keep her - she snorted and snarfed and she has folds to clean, and crusty nose to clean... ewwww. But... I started to really like her. And my old dog bonded with her. So, she stayed. Now, I can't imagine the past few years without her. My old dog died about four months after Pugsly arrived and having her helped a ton. She is the sweetest, easiest, weirdest dog. I love this strange little creature.

And she's around 12 years old, has a herniated disc in her lower lumbar, and bone spurs along her cervical vertebrae and upper thoracic. If she falls the wrong way, she'll be paralyzed. And then hard decisions will be made. But she loves being with me, so she goes where I go when possible, until it isn't possible anymore.

(one note, if you are a "Walking Dead" viewer, don't get a pug. In the dark, you will hear zombies. In the light, you will see a sweet pug)
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