Pay it Forward (Free FWC Door)


Advanced Member
Oct 8, 2011
Flagstaff, AZ
Just replaced my non screen door with a screen door today so the old door is free to whomever picks it up. Previous owner put some caulking around the window and I'm still not convinced that it doesn't leak. But might be of use to someone. Off of a 2003 Eagle.

I can bring it out to the Expo this weekend or pickup in Flagstaff, AZ.

Wow that's a steal, especially if you just purchased a new door. I just bought a 2005 Hawk and when I called to see how much a door with a screen cost I almost fell out of my desk seat(over 300), but I'm saving up to do it. I was thinking of selling my door for a steal but since your giving yours away I might have to do the same!
What most folks don't realize is that there are many different door sizes. Changes over the years and different model sizes.
I went through this last year when I upgraded to the screen door ($380 shipped). I tried to get a used door and later tried to give mine away, no luck.

Hopefully it will work out for someone who needs one and it fits.

Well I got lucky in that FWC was coming out here for the Overland Expo, so I saved on shipping by picking it up yesterday.

I'll get some measurements when I get home.

Door frame (where it goes into the opening on the camper) = 25.5 x 41.625
Outer frame = 28 x 44.25
Door itself = 26 x 42
Still have this collecting dust. If you feel bad about taking a free door I'll also take beer in exchange. :D
Still have this collecting dust. If you feel bad about taking a free door I'll also take beer in exchange. :D

I'm really worried now because I am SELLING my door and you can't even give yours away! I was going to give mine away as well but my poor 2005 Toyota Tundra went to the shop for a water pump plus the (while we're here timing chain)and rear wheel bearing that was shot that ended up costing a bit bit past a grand, a few days after Terry called me to say that my screen door was in, OUCH.
bump (old topic I know). Looking for a door for my FWC hawk, 25.5" x 46" or so high, same apparently as your door. Is it still available?

If not, anyone else have one laying around? I'll pay shipping (and pay for the door for that matter). I'm refurbing an early 90's hawk and the old door is shot, frame and camper frame have broken welds.

I'm going to order one from FWC unless someone has one lying around I can buy.
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