Photo & Attachment Explanation

You could always use a service like photobucket. Its free and works on all sites. Not hard at all to learn to use.

That's a great point, Craig! :)

If a Member doesn't want to use a WTW Gallery as the repository for your photos, then using a photo-hosting site like photobucket or smugmug, or picasa, etc. as the source for inserting an image eliminates most of the tricky parts of posting photos on WTW.
Then you just use the "Insert image" tool from the Posting toolbar, where the arrow is pointing in the screenshot below:


using the "URL" for the image at the photo-hosting site, then click "Insert Image".
Or use the forum code (like the BBCode in the WTW galleries) supplied by the photo-hosting site.
Thats what I do. Just paste the img code right into the message. Pretty simple. Of course photobucket does make you view ads now but its a small price to pay.
That's a great point, Craig! :)

If a Member doesn't want to use a WTW Gallery as the repository for your photos, then using a photo-hosting site like photobucket or smugmug, or picasa, etc. as the source for inserting an image eliminates most of the tricky parts of posting photos on WTW.
Then you just use the "Insert image" tool from the Posting toolbar, where the arrow is pointing in the screenshot below:


using the "URL" for the image at the photo-hosting site, then click "Insert Image".
Or use the forum code (like the BBCode in the WTW galleries) supplied by the photo-hosting site.

Just know that if you insert code from a photo hosting site, your photos won't ever appear on the home page of WTW. :( That appears to be reserved for those that are willing to load photos to WTW directly.

I find it's a better strategy to have ONE site where I upload photos (smugmug) and from there I can 'share' images to FB, WTW, other websites or email. Besides, the WTW photo interface is just lame. I know, DirtyDog did a good job with aging software, but still photos are a big part of this site. I would like to see a better interface or better support (and recognition) of third party sites, i.e. photobucket, flicker, smugmug, etc.
~end mini-photo-rant :D
Just know that if you insert code from a photo hosting site, your photos won't ever appear on the home page of WTW. :( That appears to be reserved for those that are willing to load photos to WTW directly.

It's not really that photos on non-WTW site are being specifically excluded from those "recent" featured. Those shown on the Forum home page show what's been most-recently uploaded to geographic-specific Galleries, and title says "Recent Gallery Images". So, if it's not in a WTW Gallery then naturally it won't be a "recent Gallery image", and appearing in a post isn't the same thing as being in a Gallery.
That "Recent Gallery Images" set also doesn't display images uploaded to WTW Member galleries, even public ones, only geographic-specific galleries.

I think it's intended to enable or promote the use of geographic-specific galleries as a resource for people interested in browsing what different areas look like. So, if you keep your photos in a non-WTW repository then that doesn't help people who want to just browse a geographic-specific Gallery.

WTW does currently support non-WTW-hosted photo sites, in that you can post photos in Topics without uploading to the Galleries...but I agree that uploading to Galleries could be easier.
<snip> [T]he WTW photo interface is just lame. I know, DirtyDog did a good job with aging software, but...<snip>

What he said. ^^^
Those shown on the Forum home page show what's been most-recently uploaded to geographic-specific Galleries . . .

Well I learned something. I had no idea how the Recent Images were selected, but knew that off site links didn't make the cut. Encouraging geo-specific imaging is ok, but even then I may want to show a place, but may not want to give away the GPS coords :cautious:

Still, I think the main comment I wish to impress is to encourage a platform to welcome lqhiker and everyone to share their visuals. I think there's an app for that. ;)
And . . . no snarks meant by that. I fully appreciate the site team for stepping up and enabling conversations like this one. I support the efforts to maintain and evolve this excellent site.
Encouraging geo-specific imaging is ok, but even then I may want to show a place, but may not want to give away the GPS coords :cautious:

Actually, all I meant by "geographic-specific" was how the Gallery is organized into geographic areas: first by state -- e.g., "California", and then by region within the state -- e.g., "Eastern Sierra/Mammoth Lakes"; No GPS coords.
This is what you see if you click on "Gallery" at the top of any WTW page:


BTW: "Recent Photos" are nothing more than the 6 most-recent photos uploaded to any of those Galleries, not selected as "featured" or anything like that. And as soon another photo(s) is uploaded to a Gallery it bumps that many photos off the "recent".

And as I've said before, I agree that there are funky aspects to the process of uploading to a Gallery which could be...nay, should be, improved. :)
But us "Site Team" members have no power over that -- only the all-powerful "Administrators" can alter the fabric of the universe.

Anyway...once you have a photo loaded to anywhere on the web (WTW Gallery, photobucket,, etc.), the method used to insert that photo into a post (like, how I inserted that screenshot above) is the same as used by most least, it's the same as other forums I've used. I don't know of a simpler method that would insert an image inline with the text of a post.

Are there specific examples (of inserting an image) that could be pointed to that might be easier to use (ideally, without losing anything desirable)?
Links to "better way" examples are welcome.
Mark i really understand your wiliness to help,but just reading the above posts by people who do post pictures and still are confused.

it is hard for someone who's main interest is not in setting in front of a computer to wade through all the
steps it takes to post pictures on a site,and i am not just blaming wtw i'm blaming the industry
that thinks every one is a computer expert.

until the industry realizes this i guess i will struggle along as i do.

i sure will be glad when i can pick up my new rig so i can get away from this keyboard!

meanwhile all you members that post pictures keep them coming as they really do make the posts

back to my 3rd cup of coffee now.

drive slow and enjoy "its the journey"

i sure will be glad when i can pick up my new rig so i can get away from this keyboard!


Good to see priorities in the right place! :)
Okay Mark, I give up! bought a AVS converter program, works great but will down load into the Gallery but not into the forums and threads. Even got on one of those photo sites you mentioned, still would not down load all the way into the FWC site. I managed somehow to down load my Bobs Snake bite photos and into my bio by using the Avatar selection last fall (I think)! So I guess I'll keep down loading into the Gallery, but it would be nice to do another thread without putting everything into the gallery first! Any suggestions for we pc dummies?

i feel your pain,still can not figure out why it
is soooo easy to down load pictures on craigslist
and imposable on most forums!( for me)
they seem to be all different.
somebody should realize that some of us will always be computer challenged (me)
i admit that i have a hard time focusing and when something involves many terms that are
not in my daily use i tend to lose direction.when that happens i just walk away from computer.

but it does not bother me to much as we are getting close to taking delivery of our new rig
and then i can turn off the computer and do what we do best,head for the back country!

drive slow and enjoy "its the journey"
Smokecreek, lqhikers, I'd like to help whomever needs help, as I posted here.

Send me a private message, to get started, as I suggested in that linked post, and I bet I can help you share your photos on WTW. :)
Okay Mark, give me some time to figure what to ask and how to do it, then I'll email and we can start from there-really appreciate your help on this. Probably will not try today-sort of watching March Maddness in between posts, and I need to concentrate to do this!

Looks to me like any photo uploaded to the WtW galleries will have "WANDERTHEWEST.COM" watermark imposed on the image. Is that correct?

I kind of understand the thinking, but this would be positioned right on top of my watermark which I create to provide a caption and copyright for each individual image. That's a deal breaker for me, so I guess I need to use a third-party site or my own server to host the images.
Looks to me like any photo uploaded to the WtW galleries will have "WANDERTHEWEST.COM" watermark imposed on the image. Is that correct?

I kind of understand the thinking, but this would be positioned right on top of my watermark which I create to provide a caption and copyright for each individual image. That's a deal breaker for me, so I guess I need to use a third-party site or my own server to host the images.

Yeah...with all the options for free photo-hosting on the web these days, the only good reason to upload photos to WTW galleries is to contribute to the database of browsable galleries as a resource for others -- when place-photos are uploaded to the geographically-categorized galleries.
Yeah...with all the options for free photo-hosting on the web these days, the only good reason to upload photos to WTW galleries is to contribute to the database of browsable galleries as a resource for others -- when place-photos are uploaded to the geographically-categorized galleries.

I was going to host the photos on G+ and post on WTW, but Google has made that essentially impossible as they want everyone to uses G+ instead. Ironically, I'll create a blog on their Blogspot platform despite their killing off their Google Reader. I'd user WordPress, but their free offering is limited and I admit to being a cheapskate :rolleyes: . I'm working on a trip report and will post the link here, as many others have by posting links to their external blogs.

I'd be happy to contribute geographical gallery photos, but notice the options are very limited for New Mexico. Is intervention by a moderator or administrator needed to create new geographical areas? Are these limited to federal lands, not state parks?
The Geographic Areas, National Parks, and Advocacy sections were installed by the original owner of the website. At the time he would add locations as requested. I don't know if the new owners are interested in expanding the sections, but will try to find out.
Bosque Bill and anyone else that would like to add a location to the Geographic Areas,

Janet H is an administrator for WTW and can have areas added to the section. send her a message with the details of where you would like added. Once it is added you can then upload photos, comments, etc. Thanks for your interest and willingness to do this.


Expediton Portal but they seem to have photo posting figured out. As I recall it is quite simple. Is it possible to have the same set up here?

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