Propane Leak Detector Gone Bad - CCI Out of Business


Advanced Member
Mar 1, 2009
My propane leak issue, which I had chronicled in a separate thread, finally pointed to a bad leak detector. I did have a very small regulator leak, which I solved by replacing the regulator, but the root of my false alarm problems turns out to be a faulty alarm. I’ll not go into all the troubleshooting I did on the alarm, but believe me, it has gone bad. My camper is a 2008 Hawk, manufactured in May 2008. The leak detector is a CCI Controls, Model 7770.2, manufactured in April 2008. I finally got around to calling CCI today to see if they could do anything for me. All of the numbers I could find for them were out of service. I did a Google search and found an interesting article posted at . It turns out that CCI has gone out of business and that there was a rash of bad 7770.2 controllers that they produced from 2005 – 2008, which fail with the same symptoms as mine. Looks like I’m out of luck in dealing with CCI.
Stan, can you help me out? (And, I presume there are other Four Wheel camper owners who are or will be in my same predicament.) Are you guys now using a different controller that has the same form factor? What advice can you give me?
Hello Norm

Please give Chicali a call in our service dept.



Ask for Chicali (Chee'-Call-E')

Just let him know I told you to call and we can see what we can come up with.

We are using a different carbon monoxide / propane sensor now.

If you can't get a hold of him you can leave me a message and I will get back with you as soon as I can.

(but I will be out of the office alot this week because of the shows)



mtnman, please post what you find out I'd like to know what unit they are using now.

The CCI unit has been replaced by a combo LP amd CO detector made by Atwood, located just above floor level. A retrofit kit is being put together to replace units that have gone south. Give the shop a call if you need help.
The CCI unit has been replaced by a combo LP amd CO detector made by Atwood, located just above floor level. A retrofit kit is being put together to replace units that have gone south. Give the shop a call if you need help.

Thanks for the info. :)
The CCI unit has been replaced by a combo LP amd CO detector made by Atwood, located just above floor level. A retrofit kit is being put together to replace units that have gone south. Give the shop a call if you need help.

Thanks Tom. I talked to Chicali the other day and he gave me the same information. He said he would help out with providing a plate to mount the smaller form factor Atwood detector. However, since I am out of warranty, the Atwood detector would cost me roughly $80.00 + shipping. This is understandable. However, since I already have a separate CO detector and don’t need a dual unit, I did some more research to find a simpler solution. I found what is supposed to be a direct replacement for the CCI unit. It is a Safe-T-Alert model SM-STA-RV-30-442A-BR (brown color). I ordered one from Safe Home Products at . My cost is $44.95 + shipping. I’m hoping it will mount in the existing hole without modification. I’ll let everyone know how it goes after I receive it.
mtn, thanks for the info. I haven't had issues with the units yet in my 2007 Grandby, but if I ever do I may need your replacement info. Keep us informed.

Thanks also to Tom for the update info.
mtn, thanks for the info. I haven't had issues with the units yet in my 2007 Grandby, but if I ever do I may need your replacement info. Keep us informed.

Thanks also to Tom for the update info.

Another thing I learned is that the service life of propane alarms is very short. I beleive the CCI unit was rated at 5 years, meaning they suggest you replace them every 5 years. I have a 22' Kit Companion travel trailer that had the same CCI propane alarm, manufactured in 1997. I tested it with a propane torch (not lit of course) and found it was not working at all. I could not get the alarm to sound no matter how much propane I fed it. I'm replacing this one as well. With this short of service life, I'd think they would have a "Replace by" date stamped on the front of them.
Thanks Tom. I talked to Chicali the other day and he gave me the same information. He said he would help out with providing a plate to mount the smaller form factor Atwood detector. However, since I am out of warranty, the Atwood detector would cost me roughly $80.00 + shipping. This is understandable. However, since I already have a separate CO detector and don’t need a dual unit, I did some more research to find a simpler solution. I found what is supposed to be a direct replacement for the CCI unit. It is a Safe-T-Alert model SM-STA-RV-30-442A-BR (brown color). I ordered one from Safe Home Products at . My cost is $44.95 + shipping. I’m hoping it will mount in the existing hole without modification. I’ll let everyone know how it goes after I receive it.

A lot of the online RV parts stores sell the Safe-T-Alert detectors, and the price is right. Thanks for taking the initiative on this, mntman. If the swap works well for you, I'll probably follow your lead..
A lot of the online RV parts stores sell the Safe-T-Alert detectors, and the price is right. Thanks for taking the initiative on this, mntman. If the swap works well for you, I'll probably follow your lead..

I finally received the correct 30 series propane alarms from Safe Home Products today, after they had shipped me the 40 series models by mistake. It only took me about 5 minutes to replace the original CCI model in my Kit Companion travel trailer. The fit was perfect and I was even able to use the original screw holes used to mount the original, from the factory, 1997 model CCI detector. Replacing the 2008 model in my 2008 Hawk was just slightly more of a challenge. The spacing of the mounting holes on the new detector were slightly narrower than the CCI model, and the hole in the cabinet that Four Wheel Camper cut for the CCI model was "generous", so I barely had enough wood available to drill the holes for the new screws. However, after angling the screws a bit, I was able to get the new alarm to mount and completely cover the hole in the cabinet, and almost all of the original two screw holes. You have to look really close to see them. I'd say this project was a success and took a minimal amount of time to accomplish. The new detectors appear to be functioning just fine. Time will tell. BTW, they do have a "replace on" date stamped on the front of them.
I finally received the correct 30 series propane alarms from Safe Home Products today, after they had shipped me the 40 series models by mistake. It only took me about 5 minutes to replace the original CCI model in my Kit Companion travel trailer. The fit was perfect and I was even able to use the original screw holes used to mount the original, from the factory, 1997 model CCI detector. Replacing the 2008 model in my 2008 Hawk was just slightly more of a challenge. The spacing of the mounting holes on the new detector were slightly narrower than the CCI model, and the hole in the cabinet that Four Wheel Camper cut for the CCI model was "generous", so I barely had enough wood available to drill the holes for the new screws. However, after angling the screws a bit, I was able to get the new alarm to mount and completely cover the hole in the cabinet, and almost all of the original two screw holes. You have to look really close to see them. I'd say this project was a success and took a minimal amount of time to accomplish. The new detectors appear to be functioning just fine. Time will tell. BTW, they do have a "replace on" date stamped on the front of them.

Excellent. I think I'll place my order. Thanks for the update.
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