Propane tank ?


Dec 10, 2006
So this spring, I had my "20-pound" propane tank that came with the camper from Ben topped off. I used it 6 nights in a row and it felt pretty low. I weighed it before and after and calculated I probably had less than a few pounds left or enough for 1 or 2 nights. Today I took it to get filled up and it only took 1.8gal. So I am confused. Its supposed to be "20 pounds" which is really 5-gallons. They usually don't take more than 4.5gals, I know. But it only took 1.8 gal after 6 nights of use!? Does this seem reasonable to you or is it possible the valve on my tank is bad?
I topped mine off after ~9 full days on the frig, in warm weather, cooking b'fast and dinner (~4 times). Took about 1.4 gallons. My tank empty, should weigh 20#, since it's 40# full, YMMV.

My heater is not connected yet.
Mine has a gauge on it which seems fairly accurate - at least it hasn't left me without any propane when the gauge showed 1/8 tank. Anyway, I fill it about once per year which gives me 4-5 weeks of running the refrigerator full time on high with no heater and about half my meals cooked inside, or the refrigerator on medium or low and the heater set to about 40-45F at night. Where I live and usually camp, the day time temperatures are above freezing. I did a three day trip in early spring of this year with night time temperatures cold enough to freeze 2 inches of water in the dog bowls left out side, but the gauge barely moved.

Here is a link to thread which includes a link to an adapter to allow you to use disposable propane bottles in your camper.

Thanks for that link, one of those could come in real handy. With how little propane we actually use, I doubt I'll be left in the cold though.
One problem with one of those units would be the inability of the lp to boil off fast enough. If you draw too much vapor too fast you can freeze the bottle. Probably would only be an issue with the furnace. I know my Mr. Buddy will freeze the tanks when its really cold out. I have to rotate tanks infront of the heater to keep the heat going.
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