Pull bed out or no? (Fleet, solo, long trip)

Oh! Puppy :( I'm so sorry. Dogs give so much to us and enhance our lives immensely.

My Pugsly is 13, had spurs on her spine around her cervical vertebrae and a herniated disc in her lower back. She walks like she's drunk. I am trying not to anticipate that day but I know it's visible on the horizon.
Sorry to hear about your loss. Took me many years to get another dog. They do enhance our lives sometimes in ways we don't really appreciate. Don't worry about the hijack :(
craig333 said:
Sorry to hear about your loss. Took me many years to get another dog. They do enhance our lives sometimes in ways we don't really appreciate. Don't worry about the hijack :(
doggies take precedence! (says the person with the pug with a cowboy hat as her avatar. ha!)
Thanks everyone for all the comments!

I've had dogs my entire life. Brook was very special, she lived in my shadow her entire 11y8m she was with us. She didn't like it when I was out of her eyesight.

Fortunately, we have Sage. Sage was with us when Brook passed away. Interestingly, labs grieve as much as humans over the loss of a loved one.


Out on Hatteras Island 3 weeks ago.

We learned Brook had liver cancer 6 weeks ago. She had surgery to remove a single tumor. We thought we had 3 - 6 months, but, ended up with 6 precious weeks. We had begun doing her "bucket list". She loved the ocean and beach. Sadly, she couldn't romp off the leash during this visit because of the recent surgery.

I guess I a gluten for heart ache because I usually have 2 labs with at least 3 years between them. Most labs love constant dog companionship probably a tiny bit more than human.
Advmoto- condolences on your loss of Brook. Our golden Rocky, at 12 plus years, is on his final glide path. Still doing well but, as Hoyden says about her pup, we can see that day coming, and it will be a sad day. In the meantime, we will enjoy each day as it comes.
I feel your pain, we lost our Maltese belle early to cancer. she loved to travel. that dog has been to Vegas more times than my kids. sorry for your loss.

on the bed issue, I am 6 foot 6, so I pulled the bed out this last trip. and close during the day, only takes a second to close. I never thought of storing the cushions at home. I do camp solo. maybe try next trip. the wife hates the desert. and she is not fond of the camper. so more camping for me. LOL
If going solo and leaving the cushions at home it's no problem to also remove the wooden slide too. It weighs 27+ lbs.. Ron
nikonron said:
If going solo and leaving the cushions at home it's no problem to also remove the wooden slide too. It weighs 27+ lbs.. Ron
remove the wooden slide? not necessary for the bed?
Just something more for you to store. I wouldn't remove it. What if it warps due to storage and won't go back in the way it should??
I kinda like the idea of taking it out since I don't use it, but I've no place to store it anyway so it stays! :)
im pulling the wood slide out at night for sleeping, but leaving cushions at home. and use the space at the front of the camper/bed for over night storage. gear bags ect
Yea I use the pullout when closing up.I move pillows quilts and such onto it so gives top more space to compress.
We sleep E-W and have the 5' long cab over so we don't use the pullout or cushions. Removing these saved about 50lb from high up in the camper, which is a good thing for stability and handling.

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