
Riley's Human
Jan 12, 2007
I didn't think I'd make the Panamint Valley Days run this year due to my truck being in the shop getting the transmission rebuilt but they finished it two days before the run. Normally I'd tow the Jeep but it wasn't prepped and I figured I probably shouldn't stress the trans with the extra weight. Nevermind the stress of a 1000 mile trip down 395.

I knew we got a lot of snow but I was still surprised by just how much was on the Eastern side of the Sierra's. I've never seen clouds over Mono Lake.

I stopped for lunch in Bridgeport and the locals were commenting on how much snow they got. My fries went from burn your mouth to cold in less than a minute. Sure glad I topped off the propane before I left. I used about half a tank running the heater. I hadn't planned on going all the way to the Alabama Hills but it was the first snowless place I came across. Letting Riley run in the morning I found this by my camp.

Tuttle creek campground must be insane in the summer.

Sure glad I wasn't tenting it.

Had a nice breakfast in Lone Pine before heading to PVD. Not towing I took the opportunity to explore some spots I normally wouldn't have. Darwin looks to be an artist/eccentric and probably a few druggies community. Not a soul spotted outside.

I decided to visit Fossil Falls and missed the turn. Road got steep enough I needed to lock in the hubs. Found a mining area where I finally turned around. Hiked just shy of the pool at the falls.

The pipeline looks its been repaired hundreds of times. I'm guessing at one time they were probably able to get heavy equipment close to the falls. On to PVD to get my t-shirt. Got a goodie bag with six maps. Nothing like free maps! Not having the Jeep I decided to head into Death Valley after spending the night. At the visitor center in Lone Pine they said 190 was in bad shape but as I suspected it had been completely repaired by the time I headed in.

Unfortunately the North road was closed. Not just signed closed but concrete barrier closed. No racetrack for me this time. I was hoping to do Titus Canyon but it was also closed :( Btw, South road to Saline was open. North road was signed as closed but maybe after the Saline turn? I didn't go look. Well its my first time over Daylight Pass so at least there is that. Nice cheap diesel in Beatty. I decided this time I'd take turn to Deep Springs I'd meant to take last time I headed home from AZ.

I considered calling the Benton hot springs to see if they had a vacancy but I was sure they'd be full on a Saturday. Should have called. The snow may have scared someone off. Can't say I've ever seen the vistas nicer than this. Dummy me left the mp3 card at home so just cell pics.

Coming up on 395 they chain controls near June Lake. Big rigs were struggling in the icy conditions. I kept thinking I should pull over and lock in the hubs but I never did. The Falken Wildpeaks did a good job. On the way home Caltrans had removed the last of the ice/snow.
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