Quick trip


Riley's Human
Jan 12, 2007
I haven't posted any trip reports lately because I've been too busy sinking money into my truck. After slicing open the sidewall on a tire it was time for tires. I opted for Toyo MTs 265 70 17. Very expensive tires. As they were being installed they mentioned I needed new upper ball joints. Had those installed the next week. Another big chunk of change. As it wasn't feeling quite right still, I decided it was time to install the dodge updated steering and a new track bar. Another large chunk of change.

Okay, time to go down and get an alignment. Guy wasn't working on my truck five minutes before he comes and tells me "can't align it, you need new lower ball joints". /sigh Thats gonna be another large chunk of change not mention its difficult finding time to get it into the shop.

Well like DD, I needed a forest fix. Fresh air and pine trees. With the truck being marginal I figured I'd go to a spot I know thats only a little over an hour away in the ENF. Nice little dead end road with a few nice spots to camp. No water but its remote enough you can usually see some wildlife. On the side of a hill, off to the east it drops down into what was once the bottom of the iron mountain ski area. To the north you can see into the desolation wilderness. Unfortunately I got some neighbors camping uphill from me that decided it was a fine thing to start shooting after the sun went down. I knew where they were and even if they were yahoos I was in a safe spot and managed to sleep right through it.

Next morning while was having my coffee I hear a crashing and banging. I thought a bear was gonna come right through camp. Caught just a glimpse and it was only a deer. About ten am the shooting starts up again. So much for seeing any wildlife. I pack up head out to do some geocaching. Unbelievable number of people along the MET. Bicyclists, motorcyclists, photogs, atv'rs, and so many others I just got depressed and came on home. I need to get the truck fixed and do a nice long trip.

Sorry to hear about the truck problems. The ball joints are the weak link in these Dodge's fourwheel systems. But I new that when I bought mine.

Sorry to hear about the problem with obnoxious hoards...I've had to do that (go home early) once or twice myself. Not that there weren't alternatives, but the encounters spoiled the mood.

BTW: What's "MET"?
It seems to be getting harder and harder to get away from people these days. Nice looking spot, bummer about the yahoos.
Ah yes, the sounds of gunfire in the morning . . . {resisting bad movie pun ;)}

We just returned from three days out at Sawmill Lake, Grouse Ridge area where we were invited to join friends for their annual camp out. It was beautiful camping, with great kayaking and swimming. We had gourmet campfire cooking (my chicken with cilantro/serrano was a hit, also SR's zuccini pancakes with feta cheese :) ). Good company and mandolin/percussion/singing around the fire. It was really a great trip.

But at night and in the morning, the echoing sounds of gunfire broke the serenity, and during the day, steady ATV traffic cruising by detracted from our experience. The kicker for me was when three of us were quietly paddling up the lake and I heard the sound of a ATV nearby. I looked and the 'yay-hoos' were off-roading along the rock outcrops of the shore crunching over brush. I had also noticed big scars in the meadow across the road from irresponsible off-road riders (which is a big fat ticket in TNF). We took a short hike and noticed copious amounts of shotgun shells on the ground. I think firearms and off road recreation can be done responsibly.
I just wish people would think about who they are impacting and what they are doing to the landscape.
the sounds of gunfire in the morning . . . {resisting bad movie pun

as in "the smell of napalm"? Also OK...if done responsibly...
I target shoot occasionally. I make sure I'm at least one ridge over from campers. I bring my own targets. I pick up my targets and brass when I'm done and I keep my time shooting short. And of course safety is number one. Always have a good backdrop. I see signs that are shot up all the time and you know the idiots aren't thinking about where their rounds wind up down range. Never have understood the thrill of shooting sign
I have a colleague that is responsible like you, Craig. Even so, he thought he was far enough away from the residential area at Sunspot National Observatory, but wasn't. Got lots of complaints about noise from the residents (he lived there too). He wound up going a mile away to target shoot. Part of it is how the sound carries along the canyons, I guess.
TT just told me of a recent trip to our local NF where he found a spot where if he had a snow shovel he could have easily filled the bed of a pickup with shotgun shells. Apparently there were other places where he could have done the same again. Disgusting.

BTW: What's "MET"?

Mormon Emigrant Trail

A interesting foot note to overland travel into California during the gold rush is that the most heavily used variant of the California Trail over the Sierra Nevada (the Carson Route) was blazed by members of the Mormon Battalion going the opposite direction in 1848.

Information can be found here:


A new guide to the markers now placed along the route can be purchased here:


We just drove by the 49er tree earlier today. It's not marked, you need to know what to look for. I remember when it was vandalized and it still breaks my heart.
If you ever get the chance, I highly recommend checking out the section that goes from kirkwood to 88. Its a jeep road though but has fantastic views.

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