Randsburg Rally

One month to go. There are several maybes on the list and still room for more people. Let's spread the word to WTW desert rats and want to be rats.
Going to get a new water pump for the Jeep today. It was nice enough to expire on the way back from the dog park and not down by Randsburg! The beer collection for the tasting is well under way. Sticking with mostly local brews. The Sacramento area now has over sixty! breweries. Have some IPAs, a few stouts and porters picked out as well a nice Kolsch and a Saison. Still deciding on a lager and pilsner.
craig333 said:
Going to get a new water pump for the Jeep today. It was nice enough to expire on the way back from the dog park and not down by Randsburg! The beer collection for the tasting is well under way. Sticking with mostly local brews. The Sacramento area now has over sixty! breweries. Have some IPAs, a few stouts and porters picked out as well a nice Kolsch and a Saison. Still deciding on a lager and pilsner.
Wow, thanks Craig. Sounds like you're bringing enough for all of us!
Sorry to say, but Tuff Guy is out. Had a paying gig for expedition catering book for that weekend so I'm out to make some extra dough.

Have fun and look forward to seeing some trip reports & pics.
Sorry to hear that. Was looking forward to some more locally sourced geography info. I get the paying gig stuff. Reason you haven't seen trip reports from me lately is all economic. Maybe next time (a nevada get together?).
Sorry to hear you can't make it. I was looking forward to having someone along to explain the geology of the area. I will now be able to point out the massive outcroppings of chingasite without contradiction.
Water pump is replaced. I'm wondering about the weather though. I assume warm days, cool or cold nights? I'd hate to put the top on the Jeep but?
craig333 said:
Water pump is replaced. I'm wondering about the weather though. I assume warm days, cool or cold nights? I'd hate to put the top on the Jeep but?
I'm not the weatherman but based on past experience I expect daytime temps in the 70's and 50's at night but wind is also possible. I haven't had the top on the Jeep in years.
I haven't had my back window installed since end of May. I was thinking of putting it in to cut down on the dust from the wind (and from following the leader).

Though its pretty hot without flow-through ventilation. I suppose I can leave it off and rough it like you guys....then just use my leaf-blower to get all the dust out when I return. :oops:
Red Rock state park, and the El Paso Mtns are my home stomping grounds. Last weekend was a great Randsburg Street fair, with wild west show, car show, and lots of stuff going on. All the proceeds from things like the pancake bfest, and car show, some retailers donated some of their proceeds to the Randsburg Mueum, and it's restoration and up keep. If you camp in Goler Wash, or up in the flats, it will be windy, and not very hot, The squeeze at the end of Goler Gulch up to the areas going to Holland Camp, EP-15, and the run to Bonanza Gulch, and the Burro Schmidt tunnel. You folks could also camp at Garlock , and then go up Iron Cyn into the area.
Perhaps I may come on out, and see ya'll and show ya some stuff like Sheep Springs, and the neat old dam built to stop the gold flow from Black mtn to the Bonanza Gulch area. The last of the cabins in Goler Gulch were burned down by BLM, so almost no trace of the town is left. Colorado Camp, at the north end of Iron Cyn, has been vandalized, and almost no trace left of that camp either. Part of Last Chance Cyn, has been fenced off , and no entry, just like the Nightmare Gulch area. The land owners of the old Seismotite mine are starting up operations, and now no entry. Come in from Randburg-Red Rock Road, into Last Chance, and you can get as far as the old Cudahey Mine, and Powder Magazine, but the climb up to Graduation Ridge is a tough one if you want to continue into Last Chance. Still a lot to see, and lots of minerals and mines, cabins, and even some new gold panning stuff going on.

Here are some pics of the area, and some of the mines and cabins......



I'll be headed down on Thursday. My plan is to make it at least to Green Creek up to all the way to the camp but probably not. Likely pull into camp on Friday. What CB channel and FRS channel? I'll bring a couple extra FRS radios in case anyone forgets. I'm thinking a salad for Saturday.

I'll be getting there Thursday afternoon but may be out exploring in the Jeep when you get there Friday. I'll be on CB channel 33 but since I'm new to the FRS / GMRS world I'll let you pick a frequency. Let me know and I'll figure out how to program it into my new radio.
I haven't figured out what food I'm bringing yet so thanks for reminding me.
I'll be posting a map to the campsite later this week.

One week to go. There were a lot of maybes on the list so I hope they all show up plus anybody else. I'll be there from late Thursday afternoon until we all leave. The tour starts at 9am Saturday.

The campsite is on a bluff overlooking Garlock Rd at N35 25.321 W117 44.907. From Garlock Rd you will see some concrete structures from old mining activity - the camp is right above these structures. The dirt road to the camp is marked either Charly Rd or EP253.

Directions from Mojave - Take Highway 14 north 20 miles. Right turn on Redrock Randsburg Rd. Continue 12 miles to left jog on Garlock Rd. Continue 3.5 miles to Charly Rd / EP253 on left.

Directions from 395 south - From Kramer Junction (395 / 58 intersection) take 395 north 33 miles. Turn left on Garlock Rd. Continue 4.8 miles to Charly Rd / EP253 on right.

Directions from 395 north - From 395 / 14 intersection take 395 south 23 miles. Turn right on Garlock Rd. Continue 4.8 miles to Charly Rd / EP253 on right.

For those coming from Mojave there's a BLM station at Jawbone right before you turn off Highway 14 with a good selection of books and maps.

Remember to bring firewood and something to share for Saturday dinner.
Heading out in the next few minutes. Looks like we'll miss the storm coming in. Maybe some rain when I return. Maybe popping in thursday evening.
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