Randsburg Rally

65 hp? My Jeep beats that by a whole 5 hp :) I'm thinking I'll put in for vacation and see what they save vs, just hoping.
Riley wants to know if theres any water there?
I think the old flathead was rated at 60hp. I have the F-head. And my bad, I just broke out the service manual and it seems I'm mistaken. Its rated at 75hp. Its a 1960 but I think the engine was developed back the 40's. I haven't put mine on the scale but the manual states 2274 lbs. I do have to admit though, she's a screamer now that I upgraded to electronic ignition :)
craig333 said:
65 hp? My Jeep beats that by a whole 5 hp :) I'm thinking I'll put in for vacation and see what they save vs, just hoping.
Riley wants to know if theres any water there?

Tell Riley this is a desert rally. No water but there are rabbits, lizards and foxes to chase.

Oh yeah. Doing a tuneup right now. New tires going on shortly. Sadly it probably won't see dirt until the rally (company is forecasting my line to run 7 days a week through december).
I got "Friends of Jawbone" and "Rand Mountain Management Area" maps at the Jawbone BLM office which is on hwy 14 just before the Redrock Randsburg Rd turnoff. Another option is to go to http://www.owlsheadgps.com/owlshead/index.php and scroll to the Randsburg / Garlock area. I'm still working on how to get this GPS data into either my Garmin or tablet.

The Rand Mountain area requires a permit but I have one which is good for a group.
Dick it took some "fiddling" with my Garmin to get the base camp coordinates installed. I still have my trusty Delorme "Southern & Central California" Atlas with GPS grids book,

I normally come up 395 but can back track down 14 to the "Jawbone BLM".when I come up on the Thursday before - or Wednesday if that works better for you as you said we would do a little pre-exploring thursday before everyone arrives on Friday?
The rally is still on. I'll be arriving on the afternoon of the 13th to secure the campsite and play around Friday the 14th. The tours of the El Paso and Rand Mountain areas will be Saturday and Sunday. Be there by 9am Saturday for those runs or show up anytime Thursday evening or Friday for some fun desert camping.

Jim - I have a couple sets of maps but if you want your own we can get them Friday.

Reminder to bring firewood

Ok Dick, I am planning on arriving the 13th also with my friend Terry in his Honda Pilot (please add him to the reserved list)

I have been burning presto logs last couple of trips as each log burns, 2,3 or 4 hours by itself and is cleaner to carry in my camper.
We burned it with regular firewood with no problems.
Dick - I believe you already know I put my name on your list for Randsburg in october; just making sure here that you received my message. Jim Mausappust that you already know is my good friend and we travel together often. He will probably tow his 1988 Samari and there is an extra rear seat. Looking forward to it. thanks for organizing this outing. Terry Hensley
Wow September first... only 43 days to cooler weather and desert exploring.
Working on the Samurai to get it ready

And of course the firewood pile.... We need a lot of it to keep the "beer lovin' coyotes" away. :cool:

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