Red Green Solutions - Frozen Regulator


Advanced Member
Jan 30, 2008
I thought I'd start a thread for Red Green style solutions to truck camper problems. Typically this should be an unusual or unorthodox procedure preferably involving some use of duct tape.

Several times in the past I've had the regulator in my propane system freeze up. Of course this always happens when you need your heater most. I thought a strip of home made 12v electric heat tape might be the solution. It would probably be best to use it only as a temporary occasional fix perhaps by affixing some velcro to the tape.

I tried this on the water system of a concrete mixer truck and it worked well, keeping the valves from cracking in sub zero temps last winter. Originally this idea is one I used to make heated pants and vests for motorcycling - see the link at the end of the page.

To make the tape I laid out about 6 feet of duct tape sticky side up. I then looped 30 ga appliance hookup wire on to the tape. I used 26 feet and ended up with 4 strips of wire on the tape with a couple feet left over. Another strip of duct tape, sticky side down completed the tape. I soldered the ends to a two pole electrical connector and it was done. The polarity of the circuit doesn't matter.

If you decide to try this double check your math for the length of wire you need. The first time I tried this in a vest I somehow ended up with half the wire that was required. I'm glad I wasn't wearing it when I tested it on a car battery since it got red hot immediately and almost set the vest on fire.

Another possibility I've read about online is to use regular 120 volt heat tape. It was stated that you use one tenth of the length for 12 volt use. Seems logical tho' I haven't tried it.

Here's the link to electric clothing and the Red Green Show.

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