Retirement: First-Trip Report

Hey, Mark, I plan to be in SAZ in late April and then NAZ & SUT in early May. Maybe we should try to cross paths out there.

Sounds great, Stew!
My plan/schedule is very flexible...though I still haven't wrapped my head around how much freedom I really will have
-- the situation is too new for it to sink in yet.

Maybe other WTW folks will be in the area, too. My previous trips to southern/eastern-UT make late-April/early-May seem like prime time for that area in general, weather/temperature-wise.

Let's stay in touch.
Sounds great, Stew!
My plan/schedule is very flexible...though I still haven't wrapped my head around how much freedom I really will have
-- the situation is too new for it to sink in yet.

Maybe other WTW folks will be in the area, too. My previous trips to southern/eastern-UT make late-April/early-May seem like prime time for that area in general, weather/temperature-wise.

Let's stay in touch.

Yes, maybe we can talk SemiMike and others to come out to UT again.
Man I'd love to hook up with you guys but I won't have a camper until July.

My last trip to that area was pre-camper -- 6 years ago, I guess. Tents are allowed.
Man I'd love to hook up with you guys but I won't have a camper until July.

Ya, Chnlisle, we could meet up in the Old Pueblo and head north. What happened to your old camper, by the way?
Hmmm....maybe somebody should start a "Late-April/Early-May N-AZ/S-UT WTW Rally" thread in Trip Planning....?

I know some of you easterners (e.g., AZ, CO, NM, MT...) felt left out of the October Pork Rally in California...
Ya, Chnlisle, we could meet up in the Old Pueblo and head north. What happened to your old camper, by the way?

My old 2011 Cougar that I've never used is being delivered April 1 to AJ in New Mexico.
Hmmm....maybe somebody should start a "Late-April/Early-May N-AZ/S-UT WTW Rally" thread in Trip Planning....?

I know some of you easterners (e.g., AZ, CO, NM, MT...) felt left out of the October Pork Rally in California...

Yep, Mark, I think you should start a AZ-UT trip planning thread.

PS; CO is really more like the Midwest than the East.
My old 2011 Cougar that I've never used is being delivered April 1 to AJ in New Mexico.

Jay, I'm happy to hear that even those old 2011 ATCs are moving off the lot.
Yep, Mark, I think you should start a AZ-UT trip planning thread.

PS; CO is really more like the Midwest than the East.

Yeah...just kidding -- about you easterners.

I will start a Planning thread -- see who else might be interested.
I'm retired, starting today.

(Technically, I'm still an employee on leave-of-absence for 6 months, but they had a retirement party for me at work yesterday, so I think everyone understands that it's very unlikely that I'll be back.)

I'm heading out today for a long weekend at the Alvord Desert (or there-abouts) -- my favorite area in Oregon...a kinda symbolic trip, mainly. While out there I'll do some thinking about what I want to do for the rest of my life. (No, not a "bucket list" of accomplishments to check off -- did people say "bucket list" before the movie of that name came out? If not, then people should stop using that phrase

Anyway, hope to meet more of you "out there" now that I have more time to be "out there".
Welcome to the club Mark. Soon you'll start to wonder how you ever had time to work..
I'm heading out today for a long weekend at the Alvord Desert (or there-abouts) -- my favorite area in Oregon...

Make sure you let us know what the snow levels are like, up on Steens, etc. I've got a trip to SE Oregon later this year and am curious about how much accumulation there is.
Make sure you let us know what the snow levels are like, up on Steens, etc. I've got a trip to SE Oregon later this year and am curious about how much accumulation there is.

Will do -- I'll take photos of the Steens east face...probably even post them from out there. There's cell coverage, and I can tether my laptop to my phone for Internet connectivity (I love outside -- especially the middle-of-nowhere -- but I like being connected, too!
Will do -- I'll take photos of the Steens east face...probably even post them from out there. There's cell coverage, and I can tether my laptop to my phone for Internet connectivity (I love outside -- especially the middle-of-nowhere -- but I like being connected, too!

Have fun out there, Mark!
Congratulations Mark. And welcome to the club. The next time we meet I'll show you the secret retiree handshake. It's good for one free cold drink from a fellow retiree.

Thanks, guys.
I feel a lot of responsibility to show my gratitude for my new status -- by not squandering it.
So I'm trying to get out of the house and on the road to "out there" for a few days. But I'm just movin' a little slow...must be old age...or maybe my life-long procrastination that causes me to never be packed/ready early
Oh well....what's the rush?

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