Roof panel edges.


Advanced Member
Mar 12, 2017
Central Valley California
I have this cracking opening up around the edge of the roof panel in several spots, is it a problem/normal. Can it be corrected? Purchased our Fleet new last February.


No, that does not look correct. If that is on a 2017 Fleet, I would have your dealer fix it on warranty. By fix I mean, if that is the edge of the aluminum roof that is pulling up, I would insist on a new roof.

If it is just sealant, it is less of an issue, but still needs to be resolved. I would want to know why that is happening.
Mr. Sage is correct. It should be repaired. If it was my 2014 Grandby I would consider it a maintenance issue, and cut the bad sealant out and re-caulk it with Dycor. jd
It is just the caulking. We purchased directly from FWC in Woodland, it's just a pain to get it to them and there service department is probably backed up a few weeks. I guess I will need to contact them. :(
Mine did the same thing six months after I picked up my camper. FWC took care of concern. Just last summer I trimmed some areas again and resealed with 3M 5200. This condition I was told by FWC will not cause a leak, just looks bad
I believe that is just a cosmetic issue.
We had a 2016 Fleet that looked the same. No water leaks thru what you see.
I did have the dealer, MLO, look at it in the Fall. They would have fixed the cosmetics, but it was more convenient to do it myself.
Mine has a few spots too, I'd say every single one has the same issues, just look closely and you will see it. It's just cosmetic, it won't let water into the interior of the camper. Ron
Good to hear from others. My 2015 Grandby has a few spots starting to do this. Small cracks, but still not what I like to see.
I concur with the 'cosmetic' statement. I have/had several such instances on my 2014 Grandby, and the appearance surely caught my attention. But it is merely a surface appearance thing, the sealant on mine was sound and effective underneath.
My 2017 Fleet has it too, I spoke with Aaron at FWC, he said that the roof panel wraps over, then the trim is put down over it with butyl tape (I think that is what you are seeing), then the white sealant is urethane caulk for a nice finish. He said it was not going to leak, so I am leaving it alone.
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