Roof rack install


New Member
Jan 2, 2012
Hello All,

I need a little advice as to how to install roof racks on my camper.

I have a Thule rack system and have installed it in the past on a pickup shell.

With the camper shell install, I used the Thule tracks and drilled holes through the roof, ran the bolts through the shell then capped off the interior bolts with the little plastic caps.
Would this same installation work on our campers?

I’m a bit worried about drilling a hole in my beloved ATC camper and am a little worried about what the interior would look like with the plastic caps protruding from the ceiling.

Any advice?
We installed (more correctly the great guys at ATC on our new camper) the two parallel tracks. I believe these work for both Yakima and Thule. We purchased the corresponding towers and our bars and all other hardware works. The tracks are mounted with screws into the interior aluminum tubing framing of the roof. There are no bolts through the roof.
Thanks for the feedback guys.

I would like to mount the racks using the track system.
This would mean I can move my racks around as needed and they would not be in a fixed position (as shown in the picture)

To do this I need to affix the track to a solid mounting point. I'm sure the line of screws (again in the picture) would be appropriate.
However, the track needs to lay flat so I cannot go directly over the "line of screws".

Can I affix the track just to the side of the screws? I want to make sure I can screw into a solid point below the siding.

Thanks again,

The roof stringers are not that wide where you can try to snag part of one side or the other side of the existing screws.

You can probably remove the original screws, clean up the hole (remove the old sealant), get new screws the next size larger in diameter and the correct length (or whatever Marty or Jeff at ATC recommend) and use the original holes.

Or, seal up the original holes after removing the original screws, then drill new holes if you prefer to do that.

Use the sealant that Marty or Jeff at ATC recommends, or find the threads on WTW that have recommendations on sealant.
I am pretty sure FWC just uses screws and a good bedding compound (sealant). To be sure of placement and screw location, I would talk to Brenda Carey at FWC. The should have exact measurements for your camper. I wonder if you will end up pulling existing screws and laying the track over that line, and reusing the holes.

Edit: Ok, I'm confused. Your post says ATC, but the photo is of a FWC. The action would be the same, but Brenda might not be the person to call.
What I did was pulled the existing roof screws, measured and drilled new holes in the tracks that matched the factory holes.
I used a mastic strip from an RV supply for sealer under the track and #10 stainless screws and sealer to fasten the track down. You need to check that the heads of the screws don't interfere with the mounting pads, you may need pan head screws.
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